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 a few definitions:

*Kiasu : the fear of losing out. Like FOMO but worse.

*PSLE (primary school leaving exam) : The exams all 12-year-olds in Singapore take to seen which secondary school they would be placed in 


I used to think I was a really really chill person because I never got sad whenever my results were lower than expected BUT when i entered my secondary school I realised that the only reason I wasn't angsty was really because I never really got bad marks.

    I'm in a limbo about kiasuism. Personally I really hate parents who 
1) take their child to a tuition center 1+ hours away because it is "good" and "will give my child great marks for PSLE"

2) fight tooth and nail over tuition center places (seriously!!) 

3) force their child to go for tuition. In general.

Unfortunately, I am a hypocrite on this issue. When I was P6 (PSLE YEAR!!!!!!) my parents spent heavy cash on sending me to a pretty well known tuition center that was around 15 minutes away. The course fee was EXPENSIVE. It was $120 for 2 hours, which is literally $1 a minute.

   In the end, I managed to get a pretty decent mark for my PSLE. However, it didn't really do anything except, give me bragging rights? (but you NEVER brag about PSLE results. If you do, you will get a shoe in the face almost immediately. It's a taboo topic , like a women's weight and age).

So what is my point? (besides telling everyone I'm quite hypocritical)
       To me, there is a fine line between "kiasu" and "hardworking". One wrong step and oops! You've become the tiger mom/dad/child that everybody envies and hate at the same time.

Now that I'm older, my mom absolutely refuses to send me to tuition. She believes that there will be one day where I will leave her ( not talking about death !!!)  for university or other further educations and that she wouldn't be there to teach me. I have to be self independent or I would probably not do very well.

I don't usually agree with my mom, but this time, I kind of do :)

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