||Chapter Four|| {Part One}

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New writing slowly appeared on the page, and you watched the ink dance across the lines.

It... It was English, but you couldn't read it...?

Somehow, your brain couldn't comprehend the words on the page, even though it was in a language you knew.

You stared at it. It really did seem like foreign writing.

"Michael, can you read this??" You frantically showed him the paper.

"I, uh...." He seemed taken off guard, but squinted at the writing.

"No..? What the hell?" He blinked and furrowed his eyebrows in frustration.

"I need to read it. It has to be important, right?" You said sharply, looking at the paper again.

Michael slowly reached across the table and grabbed your hand, yanking you out of your worries instantly.

"Don't worry about it, (Y/n). At least, not right now. We can figure it out together later. Let's chill for a while!" He smiled cheekily.

When you saw your hand in his, your face reddened and you looked away.

His hands were warm and soft to the touch, and held yours gently, making sure not to squeeze too tight.

You two left the restaurant, and headed for the apartments.

Michael ended up paying, despite your objections, and you noticed a large amount of cash in his wallet.

When you two showed up at the doors, Michael stopped and looked at you.

"So, uh, I was wondering if you'd like to come over and-"
"Yeah, duh."
"Like we used to, I mean."
"Like we used to."

Eventually, you got to sit down in the blue bean bag again. You remember back, back when you comforted Michael's crying form, and discovered his skin condition.

"So... have you decided?" You ask him as he sets up his games.

"Oh! I was thinking about trying this game today, what do you th-" Michael started, showing you a game case.

"Not that, haha." You laughed for a second.

Michael flashed you a confused expression.

"About the concealer stuff." You added.

"Oh- that. ...Well, I guess I just want to dive right into it. Like, handle all of it at once." He sighed, plopping down on his respective beanbag.

He handed you a controller. "I've decided to show up to school without concealer! I think that's the best choice right now."

"That's... a big step. Wow." You blink, taken aback.

His expression darkened. "I guess I just... feel like I'm always on edge. Like every moment might just be my last before you fade away."

"I... want to make you happy while I still can." He looked away quickly after speaking.

You both were looking away from each other, flustered.

You two beat a couple levels, and you leaned back and sighed.

"Man, I wish we could do this forever." You said, looking over to Michael, who set his controller down.

"Mhm." He hummed back.

Silence dropped over the two of you for a couple minutes, but Michael's voice sliced through the lack of noise.

"Hey, uh... about what you said. Did you mean it?" He hesitantly met your gaze.

"What are you talking about?" You looked over to him.

His face turned red. "Nah, never mind, it's stupid."

"No, tell me." You grew intrigued quickly, and shifted your full attention over to Michael.

He paused thoughtfully before continuing.

"Well... after the earthquake, you said..." He breathed shakily, choosing his words carefully. "You said... you loved me. Did you mean it?"

"Of course I meant it, Michael. You were the only one truly there for me through it all."

Michael's face faded into a small smile. A genuine smile.

"Well, I think... I think I love you, too."

||Informality|| (Michael Mell x Reader) [Be More Chill]Where stories live. Discover now