||Ask Event||

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hey y'all!!

i'm getting ready to start working on this story again, so to fill the time when i'm not updating, i'm making an Ask (Y/n) & Michael!

Comment your asks on this line!

If you are reading on a computer (which doesn't have in-line comments.....i think), just comment and I'll try to sort them!

Also I'd like to hear what you guys want to see happen in the story, or what you think is going to happen!!

Just a PSA, too, if this story ever makes you feel intense anxiety or anything where you feel really uncomfortable, just stop reading and take a breather. It's okay. Drink some water. Take some slow, deep breaths. You're okay. DM me if you have anything you need to get off your chest. I'm here.

I love you all. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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