Chapter 11: Caught

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The Pelican reached port about fifteen minutes behind schedule. Being slightly late was not an issue as Kail had given two extra hours of leeway. The ship floated just out of range of the lighthouse beacon.

          The first step in his plan was simple in enough in theory, but very difficult in practice. Getting into the castle. It was inland and surrounded by a moat and a gate a few hundred feet high. There was no way to get in without being let through the front gate.

          Being let in through the gate was another matter all together. The gate rarely was opened as few men ever went in or out. Even if they did, a person would have to sit, watch, and wait for the right moment to try to get past the guards. That was too complicated and too dangerous. Kail had a better idea.

          The words at the meeting ran through his head. “Ok, so how are we going to get in?” Tusk asked.

          “We aren’t. But I am.”

          “But that still leaves the question of how,” Butterfield said.

          Kail looked around at his men, but specifically to Blabber who read his sheet over. “We’re dressed as cherry delivery men?”

          Thinking about that moment made Kail chuckle. It sounded more ridiculous than it was. On the 21st day of every season a boat would ship four barrels of cherries to the royal baker. The king’s sweet tooth rivaled that of his father’s, and cherry tarts were his favourite dessert. Sure there were locally grown cherries, but nothing matched the sweet flavor of the cherries from the Isle of Glykonia.

          Kail could remember, as a child sometimes going with his father to the castle, early in the morning, to pay for the cherries. He found out that day that being in charge of the royal treasury meant paying for everything as well.

          “Why so early, dad?”

          “Well son, they do it early to avoid the rush of people,” Kail’s father replied. “They also don’t want the gate open that often. It keeps the king safer if it’s closed.”

          Kail tried to shake that memory from his mind. He was grateful for it, because without it, he never would have figured out such an efficient way of getting in, but now he needed to stay focused. They needed to intercept the cherry ship. It was still dark. Thankfully Takeo was on board. He saw in the night as if it were day to everyone else. What a benefit it was having him sail with them. What a benefit it was having the castle keep their cherry tradition after all these seasons.

          Kail’s thoughts drifted back to the meeting.

          “So you’re wearing a disguise then?” Keiran asked.

          “Only the delivery outfits,” Kail replied.

          His response generated confusion in the room. Finally Fredrick asked the question on everyone’s mind. “Won’t you be easily recognized? I mean you are Kail the Brave, the most wanted man in the world.”

          Kail lifted his finger as if to say, hold on a second. “First of all, it will be around five in the morning. The timing is perfect,” he said proudly. “The sun will just be coming up and they will be extinguishing their lamps at the gate. In that light I don’t think I could tell the difference between you and your aunt Martha. And secondly,” he paused and smiled, “They wouldn’t expect ‘the most wanted man in the world’, as you so aptly put it, to be crazy enough to come to their doorstep.”

          Keiran shook his head in agreement, though most people felt like it was not worth the risk. It was important to the next part of the plan however, and therefore necessary.

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