walk home.

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Two chapters in one day *gasp* yep, I'm bored ad heck.

Good thing I brought my umbrella today. As I pass the small deserts shop at the corner of my road, I here a roar of a truck eugene and dog calls. I frowned as a red pick up drove slowly past me. One of the seniors was driving as his noisy friends where throwing dog calls at me, with the occasional " hey gurl~". Scoffing I looked away turning the corner, and onto my lawn. The boys in the truck stopped in front of my house and continued to call at me, I just went into my home and slammed the door behind me. " your home early wonderland." My dad said as he stopped putting his jacket on. "I got sent him by the nurse." I sighed as I placed my backpack on the floor and sat in the bay window. My dad came and sat next to me. "Sweetheart, what's the matter?" He asked, his eyes filled with worry. " just got hurt today is all. Some jerk thought it would be funny to trip me." I said looking out the window at the truck of boys."and they. Wont leave." I growled pointing out the window. My dad scowled at them, and went out the door telling at them, soon they drove off. I sighed as my dad waved at me smiling and then left for work. I was now here. Alone. But, as if one que, my dog bottles waddled into the living room. Barking he climbed up on to the bay window and layed his head on my leg.  "Hey bottles. His my little boy huh?" I playfully asked as I pet him. I knew he couldn't answer me. He only let out a content gif as a responce. Just then, Donovan walked into the house with Ollie. I scoffed and turned from them. " oh, hey Alice~" donavan cooed.  I made a grunt, not wanting to talk to him. " Oh leave her alone donnie. She got hurt to day." My brother said tugging on his jacket sleeve. "Fine, so, homework, we got to get that done, then we can go to the bakery." Donovan said smiling at my brother. Ollie flushed abit and smiled back "yay! Okay, come on!" He said as he dragged Donovan up to his room. I swear, ollie just needs to say 'Donovan,  i love you, and I think we should go on a date sometime.' I know Donovan isnt into girls, he just acts that way to opees my parents. I just wish I wasn't the one he decided to flirt with. I smiled at the thought if him and my brother possibly being to gether. Bottles huffed at me wanting me to continue petting him.  "Oh hush you,l." I said smiling still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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