X • Sarcasm and Steles

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We had made it back to the Institute safe and sound after finding Clary and the Cup. It surprised Alec that she had killed a demon all on her own, but I was proud of her. Sure, I didn't know her very well but it seemed that not very many people think she'll survive in this world.

Everyone in the building was bustling around, doing angel knows what, when we walked in. They seemed busy and we didn't know why until we noticed Jace telling everyone what to do.

Clary called out his name, gaining his attention and a look of relief washed upon his face. I looked to Alec, from my time here I did happen to take note of how he'd look at his Parabatai, and right now, I could see how he looked at Clary and Jace together.

I wanted that. Being with Valentine, I had no idea what love or even truly caring for someone felt like. But, now, I was free from his grasp and I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to be able to have someone to call mine.

But, that would only happen in a perfect world— and this one is far from perfect.

Izzy walked up to us. "Are you okay?" She looked at her brother first who only nodded while looking back at his Parabatai. She studied me next but I didn't notice until I finished staring at Alec.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to Alec. He was a big help. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do it alone considering I am new here." I let out a laugh. It was then Alec finally glanced over at me.

Isabelle looked at her brother with a smile on her lips, "Really?"

"Bianca actually saved my life. She's learning a lot from her training." He had been speaking to his sister, but he still glanced at me with a small smile he didn't want to have.

"I am so proud of you, B." The raven-haired girl hugged me tightly before watching as Alec once more looked to Jace and Clary, seeing them kiss, and swiftly walking off. She sadly looked at her brother and sent me an apologetic look before following after him.

✧ ✧ ✧

After a much-needed nap and shower, it was the next day. I changed into different clothes since the ones from yesterday were disgustingly sweaty and dirty.

I jumped into black tight pants, a Hepburn style jumpsuit that tucked into the pants, heels, and a bee necklace Izzy had given me for my nickname before I left the room. I saw Izzy and caught up to her.

"Hey, Iz." She turned and smiled at me before her eyes glanced down at the necklace.

"Hey. I see you're wearing the bee." Her voice was chipper and happy at the fact. I smiled as well, grabbing the little gold bug.

I let out a small laugh, "Of course. I am absolutely in love with it." Once we arrived in the Ops center, the raven-haired woman placed her hand out in front of me, keeping me from descending the steps.

I looked over and saw Clary and Jace speaking extremely closely with the Cup in between them.

"And what's the second rule?" Clary asked the blonde with flirty eyes. At that point, Izzy wrapped her whip around the cup and brought to herself.

"There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels." She dramatically descended the steps and handed Clary back the Mortal Cup. It was a pretty little chalice; gold and white. It had an Opal glowing effect in the glass and I watched as Clary put it safe and sound in the Ace of Cups Tarot card.

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