Chapter 1

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"Appa... Appa.." the young boy yelled as he run towards the middle aged who was busy fixing his fishing net. The said man turns to see his youngest son running while his hands still busy fixing his net. By the moves of his hands, anyone can tell that hes been doing it for years and he is, because he is a fisherman his whole life.

"Yah Yeonjun ah.. Why are you running and screaming like a mad man?" Another young man said as he walks towards the middle aged man while holding a tray of drinks. He then put it near where the middle aged man sits. He poured the drink into a cup and handed the cup.

"Appa here.. Drink this first" their father took the cup and drinks it slowly while eyeing his youngest son who now has reached them, panted hard from the running.

"Appa, Taehyung Hyung.. Please there.. Come with me.." he said still gasping for air. Both his father and hyung look at him with confusion on their faces.

"Hurry Appa, Hyung.. I saw a dead body.. There near the beach" YeonJun said hurriedly while pointing to a direction towards the beach. Taehyung and his father looked at each other and then look back at YeonJun. They want to make sure that YeonJun is not making a joke because he always did that before. But, they saw the seriousness on his face that they decided to go with him. They ran to the beach with YeonJun leading the way.

Once they got there, they saw a body being hit by the wave. Quickly, the young man named Taehyung and his brother YeonJun pull the man away from the beach helped by their father. Taehyung put his fingers near the man's nose and he could feel the man is still breathing.

"He is not dead, Hes still alive.." Taehyung said looking at his father. The older nodded.

"Okay, we need to carry him to our home and help him.. Kim YeonJun, you go home now and prepare a change of clothes and a mattress to lay him in. also prepare warm water so that we can wipe him clean later. Kim Taehyung, you help me carry this man.." Their father, Kim JaeHyuk order his sons. They both nodded. Yaeonjun run to do what his father has ordered him. Whilst Taehyung helped his father lift the man up and carry him back to their home.

When they reach home, they quickly put the man on a mattress prepared by YeonJun. As if on cue, YeonJun walked out while carrying a basin of warm water. He put the basin near his father.

"Taehyung ah, we need to change his wet clothes but we wipe him first." Taehyung nodded. After done wiping the man and put him in new change of clothes, Taehyung put his hands on the man's forehead and could feel that it's warm. He stands up and walks to the kitchen to get another bowl of warm water and a clean cloth. He walks back to the unconscious man. He wet the cloth in the warm water, twisted the cloth and after that folds it into suitable size and then put it on the man's forehead.

"Who is this man? How would he end up to be found near the beach?" Kim JaeHyuk asked. He is now sitting near the door with a lit up cigarette slit between his fingers.

"Don't know,. by the looks of the clothes he wore earlier, he might be from the city. Does not look like a simple man to me." Taehyung said remembering that the man was wearing a suit which looked very expensive. Some times later, YeonJun came out holding a small bowl.

"Try to give him the herbs remedies slowly. Its for energy. Hopefully that he can wake up soon." Kim Jaehyuk said when he saw YeonJun brought out the medicine. YeonJun put the bowl near Taehyung and made a sign for Taehyung so that he is the one that will help the unconscious man. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and sighed a little. He then moved to feed the man slowly until the drink is finished.

Few days later, the man's eyes fluttered and then he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes move to see but still not registering anything. After a while his consciousness came fully, he looked around and realized that he was at some place. 'Maybe it's someone's home' he thought. The place looked old but it is clean and neatly arranged. He sits up and moves a bit to a comfortable position.

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