Chapter 6

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Jungkook was really pissed off. He was really angry at his father for arranging a marriage without telling him first. Though even if his father tell him about the marriage he would never agree to it. His mother does not even helping him instead she supports and wants him to accept. He cannot believe that arrange marriage still exists these days. People nowadays have freedom to choose who they love and want to be with but no, he did not have that. Instead, his marriage has been arranged and his relationship with his lover was deeply against by his father.

Remembering that his father wants to cut off all his cards and take away his position in the company makes Jungkook gripped the steering wheel tightly. His brows furrowed tightly as he gritted his teeth. He is now on his way to the club he frequented to. He felt like all this marriage problems suffocating him and he wanted to have drinks to at least will make him forget about it for a while.

At the club, Jungkook went straight to the counter and took a seat. He ordered the strongest drink they have. Once his drink was handed he quickly drink it in in one shot loving the strong taste that hit his throat. He signaled the bartender for another glass. Then he felt someone tapped his shoulder. Jungkook turned to look at the person. He saw his bestfriend smirking at him.

"Yah Jungkook ah, what happened? Asking me to come as soon as I can. I have to leave the comfort of my home to meet you. It better be really important as in a matter of life and death important." Yoongi said as he took a seat next to the younger. Jungkook did not answer him instead he just took a shot of his drink and signaled for another glass.

"What would you like to have sir?" the bartender asked Yoongi. The said man eyed Jungkook's drink and asked for the same drink. The bartender nodded and proceed to make Yoongi's drink and then put the drink in front of Yoongi. The man took his glass and drink it a little to savor the taste. Then he turned his head to Jungkook.

"So Jungkook, ready to tell me what is it that troubling you so much now?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook sighed harshly.

"My Appa, he... he wants me to marry some guy. Actually, it is the son of the man that saved him the other day." Yunho answered without looking at the older man. Hearing that, Yoongi's small eyes widened and then out of sudden he bursted into laughing.

"Hahaha that is a good one Jungkook ah," Yoongi said between his laugh. Jungkook huffed harder to show that he is actually not trying to be funny at this moment and side eyed glare at his hyung.

"I would never joke about getting married and definitely would never joke about getting married to someone else than Jimin.. this is really a serious matter hyung" Yoongi finally stopped laughing and turned full bodied to Jungkook and study the weight of his words on the younger's face.

"What? Like for real?" Jungkook nodded.

"Yah Jungkook ah! Congratulations.." He said happily, well as happy as Yoongi can. Jungkook made his tight furrowed brows face at his hyung.

"Do I look like I am happy right now to you hyung?"

"Oh That's right.. What about Jimin then? Does he knows?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know.. I don't know how to tell him hyung.. he will be mad and really upset when he heard this." Jungkook replied. Frustrated and stress could be seen on his face.

'Of course he will be upset, you are his source of income. I never trust that he really loves you ever since you introduced us. Tsk' Yoongi thought.

"Did you like... explained to your father thoroughly and desperately like you will die if you marry this guy and not be with Jimin?

"That's sounds dramatic hyung but I did.. I already told Appa that I don't want to marry that guy and that I only want to be with Jimin but Appa, he threatened to cut off all my credit cards, take my cars and kick me off my office if I refused. Can you believe that hyung? Just because of some guy that we, even him don't know really well Appa dares to cut me off. I am his son. Aren't my opinions and wants matter? Now it all comes to this, I really hate that guy whoever he is. He is just from a poor family and I am sure he has other intentions to agree on this marriage.." Jungkook ranted angrily.

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