Chapter: 18

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He slept. The entire night.

And that was all you needed to finally feel a sense of empathetic relief for him.

He even slept up until lunch time.

As for you, you just laid there after waking up around 10:00 am. You watched him for a minute, sound asleep, a gentle pout on his lips, as his body had entangled all the sheets to his side of the bed.

Then, you closed your eyes and listened. Something about his calm breathing pattern made you feel at peace for once. In that moment, you didn't have to worry about him.

When he finally awoke, stretching out his arms and hitting you in the face by accident, a look of confusion told you that he forgot you were still there. However that look was followed by a smirk, which was followed by a kiss...

...on the cheek. As usual. You rolled your eyes, to which he responded with miniature pecks down your neck, causing a breakout of laughter between the both of you.

A part of you still felt a little awkward about everything. But you're pretty convinced that you've wrongly interpreted the butterflies in your stomach as such.

You're just excited. And nervous.

The day started off with his daily breakfast of mint chocolate chip ice cream. He likes to pick out the bits of chocolate though, which made you like him a little less than before.

The rest of the day consisted of lots of talking, tense smiling, and a little laughter. Neither of you left the bed unless to get food.

All in all, it was incredible.

You've never had a friend like him before. Maybe that's because you've never had a boyfriend.


3 days later

You swing your legs that dangle off the piano bench as you zone out at the black and white keys. Yoongi warms up with a few spontaneous melodies.

"At the concert, that song, the sad one, was that about me?" Twirling a strand of your hair, you recall the slow ballad that described a relationship that somewhat resembled yours and Yoongi's.

His jaw clenches and unclenches, then he turns to you, eyes gentle and lovely.

"No. But I made it for you."

"Could you play it for me? It was my favorite."

Enclosing even the tiniest spaces, you press your entire right side of your body against his. You feel the slight pain of both of your shoulders colliding with pressure. But all the while it feels warm and safe, and most importantly, it feels right.

You eventually rest your chin on his shoulder and lift your tranced eyes to his face. His eyes are delicately closed, something you are used to seeing whenever he engulfs himself in his music. Although this time, his focus may be elsewhere.

His fingers continue to softly dance on the piano keys in front of you, forming subtle and slow sounds of feathery ringing. The ones you love so much.

It takes every muscle in your body to resist the urge to hug him to pieces, so instead you opt for something else.

Tilting your head up from his shoulder, your lips part the smallest amount before re-closing onto his smooth skin. In doing so, you work your way down to his jaw, then his neck. Just miniature, relaxed, pecks. Similar to his a few days ago. This time though, neither of you are giggling.

In a haze, his head tilts substantially into your gentle kisses, and you soon notice the beautiful song he was once emitting, has turned into a spectacular array of jumbled up incorrect notes. It only makes your smile lengthen as you persist with soft pecks, that have now turned into small, slow, kisses.

Now he's distracted.

Suddenly the music stops. Completely. His fingers abruptly lift from the keys and cup your face with certainty.

"I adore you," he murmurs, his low voice-hoarse with an underlying purr.

He firmly presses his thin lips over yours.

Then you both explode in what seems like madness. But beautiful, longly anticipated, delicate, madness.


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