Chapter:4 ♥ Valentine's Day ♥

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"I think that's enough truffles for today," I murmur to myself, struggling to set down a half eaten chocolate dipped caramel sphere.

It's Valentine's Day, one of my favorite and least favorite days of the year. Reason being, I'm in love with its meaning and celebration, but at the same time I despise the fluff and vanity of it all.

But if I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm just jealous. I envy those who are able to enjoy this day with their significant others. For them, it's a day of love, cherishes, and happiness. For me, it's just a reminder of my solitary and companionless-self.

The teddy bears holding plush hearts, the cute and sentimental cards, the freshly picked roses, the cheesy 'be my valentine' lines. I was infatuated with it all, except I had never received any of it. No secret admirer, no special someone. It breaks my heart a little.

I truly am, a hopeless romantic.

To be fair, I always receive small gifts from friends and family. This year it's been a heart-shaped, red velvet, truffle box, with the most adorable red bow wrapped around it.

I have to thank Suji for this one, since Mom, at most, will only get me the tiniest pack of nerds.

I press closed the fabric heart-shaped lid, and proceed to eye-devour my book.

There couldn't be a more perfect day to read this romantically beautiful novel. The thought of the occasion sparks a soft smile across my lips.

But my grin soon retracts when I hear the familiar grumpy footsteps of the grouch himself. Green hair and all.

He's only 2 hours late today. It's a new record.

I can't imagine what he thinks of Valentine's Day. In fact, I can't imagine what he thinks of having a significant other in general. He's probably too enamored with himself, that he can't even bare the thought of showing affection toward someone else. A snarl overcomes my expression at the ponder.

My eyes peek up, just enough to see over the book that covers half my face as he begins his routine fast walk to my desk, clad in his usual black turtle neck along with a long tan blazer that hangs just above his knees.

His intimidating march halts about a foot away from my tall workspace while his attention focuses on his phone, waiting for the lovely receptionist to cheerily hand him his coffee.

So, as he looks up from his phone expectantly and condescendingly, I take hold of the white cup, just clutching it for a few seconds. Book still in one of your hands, I press my lips against the warm lid of the cup, sipping as much as you desire. And boy it tastes so good. I personally don't care for the usual bitterness of coffee, but I can't help but love the flavor of teaching lessons to the ill-tempered.

Before I avert my attention back to the novel, I entertainingly watch as the grump gapes at me with insult, and a hint of melancholy, in his eyes. I see his thin lips slightly part, understanding the memo, before he interrupts the interaction by quickly sulking away to his office.

I purse your lips together, attempting to control my feelings of excitement. I was finally able to get back at the miserable jerk.

Setting down the cup, satisfied, I continue where I had left off in Peppermint, sliding my glasses back up onto the bridge of my nose.

          Luca was persistent with his intents, constantly attempting to impress Jenny with his small, but loving, sentiments.
         However after so much time had past, a part of Jenny had shattered to bits. She had given up on him, despite him not reciprocating.
         Jenny lost interest. She wanted more. She deserved more, she thought. And Luca suddenly became a burden and an unceasing reminder of the kid she used to tutor.
         But the scariest part was, sadly, when Luca had realized this. It didn't just break his heart. It broke him.

I want to cry again. I just want the tears to flow and relieve today's stresses and sadness. Nonetheless, I refrain from doing so.

Today is the day of love, I evoke to myself, and I have Suji's adorable gift of truffles sitting right in front of me. Dig in. I deserve it.

So I do, because why wouldn't I? My mind calms and my heart mends back together as I finish off the last delectable sphere, eyes glued shut in delight. Funny what the capabilities of chocolate can do.

When I open my tranced eyes, I notice something. Something I hadn't seen before. Right at the bottom of the heart-shaped box, lies a rosy pink sticky note, that must've been hid by the truffles before I engulfed them all.

And on it, a message. A message that makes my sensitive heart sink as far down as the Titanic.

This time, I might actually cry.


Thanks for all
the coffee ☻


[A/N]Happy Valentine's Day! ♥️♥️ Again, I made the 'note' on my phone so it might turn out demented on your device but to be clear, it is suppose to be a note from Yoongles himself

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Happy Valentine's Day! ♥️♥️ Again, I made the 'note' on my phone so it might turn out demented on your device but to be clear, it is suppose to be a note from Yoongles himself.

xoxo 💋💤

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