Chapter 13:

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....on the cheek, with his arm casually resting at the small of your back as if it were second nature.

This might actually work.

You're certainly convinced.

The innocent kiss was longer than anticipated, but when he slowly pulls away, those lips continue to hover over your skin, and they move up to your ear.

A breath of heat brushes over it, along with barely audible words.

"Thank you," he whispers appreciatively.

Your lips curve upward as he withdraws away.

So far, you're reasonably impressed with his little boyfriend act. It had seemed like any sort of affection would've be reluctantly displayed by him. Contrary to your beliefs, the jerk has really stepped up his game, and manners. But you have to remember, it's all fake.

Still sustaining his hold on your back, you both glance over each other.

Clad top to bottom in what looks like highly priced attire, Yoongi's dressy outfit is more than handsome. It suits him. He definitely knows how to dress well when he needs to—something you personally need to work on.

His hair is styled in a way that looks slightly more messy than usual, but it's an elegant and purposeful sort of messy. It contrasts the fancy suit on him and gives him a ruggedly handsome look.

He grabs the back of a chair, pulling it away from the table, and politely gestures for you to sit. That's when you get a glorious whiff of his cologne. You've never noticed a distinct fragrance on him until now. It's intense and undoubtedly alluring. You almost forget that this isn't a real date. And you two aren't a real couple. And feeling any sort of attraction toward your co-worker is kind of inappropriate.

His parents share an obvious resemblance to him. Despite the wrinkles and discolored hair, you could probably mistake them for his siblings.

The mother wears a gummy smile as she admirably looks over you. She's fairly quiet, not greeting you with any sort of introduction or salutation. Just a very cheerful beam on her small face. Most likely, she's waiting for Yoongi for introductions.

The father has no expression, his little eyes switching back and forth from you and his son—who is slightly overdressed compared to the rest of the table. Perhaps his father is distracted by your too tight dress that accentuates even your tiniest curves. Once again, you regret your outfit decision.

Yoongi seems to like it though. It takes him a minute, as he seats himself, to rip his focus from the shoulder-revealing neckline and cinched waist.

"Mom, Dad," he finally announces, "this girlfriend, Rina." His words stumble and slur a little, but for some reason that makes your cheeks even redder than necessary.

Their eyes double in size. Though he'd obviously told them he was bringing someone, the word, girlfriend, hits home a bit differently, and their reactions show that.

The mother looks over to Yoongi, who's sitting nonchalantly with his legs crossed and an arm around your chair. Her eyebrows raise in question for confirmation. He nods.

She reverts back to you, that adorable smile widening across her face. "You're much more beautiful than what Yoongi described."

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