▪ ninety eight

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liked by parkjiminieee, eatjin, namjinforever, imtaejoon, jungminsweg, bbysooyoung, jeonjungkookofficial, kimtaetae, hoseokie, minyoongi, and 2,619,172 others

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liked by parkjiminieee, eatjin, namjinforever, imtaejoon, jungminsweg, bbysooyoung, jeonjungkookofficial, kimtaetae, hoseokie, minyoongi, and 2,619,172 others

jinwoolikesjinwoo my dear father with the biggest ego ever was waiting for me to finally post a picture of him on my instagram so heRE yOu Go DAd 🙂 in all seriousness, i love both of my dads with all of my heart and i wish them the best 💗 thank you for raising such a handsome and beautiful man and thankyouforlettingmemarryyourbestfriend

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eatjin aND YOU SAY I HAVE A BIG EGO!? but thank you anyway i guess 💞 i love you too and thanks for the picture 💟 i look amazing
namjinforever thank you jinwoo 💓 love you too 😊
parkjiminieee aw bby, this is so cute 😊💖 you know we would've gotten married regardless 😂
jeonjungkookofficial FT. JEON JUNGKOOK'S COCONUT HEAD
kimtaetae coconut headass ^
hoseokie a large coconut headass ^^
minyoongi im SO sIck Of tHiS FAkE LoBe ^

taestan 💕
this is so close to being over and i'm so excited
i can't wait to work on something else eventhoidolovethisstorytodeath
it's been a long journey
see you in the next chap :)

taestan 💕this is so close to being over and i'm so excitedi can't wait to work on something else eventhoidolovethisstorytodeathit's been a long journey see you in the next chap :)

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beautiful smile lol

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