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They stared at me in shock, obviously  not believing that I wanted to join them for any reason. Finally, August cleared his throat before standing up. "Well, let's see what you've got." He stated as he walked out of the room. I quickly followed him as he went past me to go to the training area.

When we got outside, he grabbed two swords and tossed one to me, to which I caught with ease, suprising both August and I.

"Alright, we are just going to simply spar but, whichever of us gets knocked pass the line, they lose. Whichever one of us drops our weapons first loses as well." I nodded calmly and got into my fighting stance.

I held the iron sword in one of my hands and with the other, I used it for blocking any fists that may come my way. This feels so...natural.

  The others were watching us with worry and curiosity. August finally charged at me, swinging his own sword widely. Iron clashed as I brought my sword to meet his. Sparks flew from the iron as August growled, obviously he had been thinking that I wouldn't be able to hold my own with a sword.

He kept swinging at me, he even used his feet and fist as I predicted he would. Reiner and the reteiners were cheering for both of us, making August even more angry. I smirked slightly when I heard him growl when I blocked yet another blow.

I continued to use my instincts when play fighting August. Wearing a stotic face, I made sure I didn't say anything while we were on the boarder of the rectangle.

August was smirking to himself, anyone could see that he thought he won.

Don't ever underestimate the enemy.

Suddenly, as August pushed me towards the line, I flipped our positions and with him using his momentum to fall outside the training rectangle.

"I believe I win, August." It was silent on the training field, I think all lf the retainers were suprised.

"Didn't you say something about never picking up a sword before?" Isuel asked.

I shrugged, not remembering myself saying that.

Reiner was still staring at me in shock, "You just beat one of my best soldiers." He gaped.

Once again, I shrugged. "Beginners luck." August mutters angerily as he stands back up.

I smirk and get into my fighting stance. "Wanna go again?"


Both August and I dropped onto the ground, out of breath. The others have been watching us for hours, Reiner trying to figure out what he should do with me, and the others just wanted to see August and I fight.

"Are you two finally done?" Said Reiner as he stood up.

"That we are, sir." I muttered as I sat up.

"Well, I believe I figured out what to do with you." Reiner said. "I am going to train you, to join my army against the Witch Queen and her generals."

The others gaped at him.

"Sir, while this girl-" Isuel started to say.

"King, Wynter King." I cut him off, which made him glare at me. I shrugged and muttered a 'sorry.'

"While Wynter has some remarkable fighting skills," Isual started,

"Are you sure she should be added to our army?" Atlea continued.

"She could be apart of a plan of the queen!" August semi-yelled.

"Anyways, are you sure, my lord?" Finished Saerys.

I scoffed and was about to day something to them, but Reiner gave me a glare which made me stay quiet.

"I made my decision, now respect it." Reiner stated. "I will personally train her. Now, go!" He ordered.

As soon as they were out of sight, Reiner turned to me. "Now, how good are you at dodging arrows?"

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