Chapter 7

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Arthit's POV

Oh boy! That was one long, long, long ass day. I don't even know what is it that I should be spending all my brain power on. The fact that all my friends had gone absolute nuts and were involved in a fist fight with the first years, which would have gotten all of us into serious trouble or the stupid thoughts that have been bouncing around my head all day that Kong was the only reasonable man around. He even apologized for all his friends without once arguing about everything. Took responsibility for everything. Bowed his head low in regret and shuffled his friends away from the angry seniors.

What the hell?

And here I thought I would get a chance to unleash my frustration. How does he throw me one curve ball after another? Which probably explains why as soon as I stepped foot in the library that evening I very purposely began scanning around for the precious Economics book. Anything to stop obsessing over the events of today for atleast a little while.

So when I did manage to spot it I practically ran towards it and flipped the pages open to find the neat handwriting waiting for me once again.

"No fair!

Why do I get to be MosquitoMan when you get to be someone as cool as Magneto?

And hang on, is Magneto even a villain?

He seems rather wishy washy between deciding to be the good guy or the bad guy.

Or are you laying ground work to double cross me already?"

Was it crazy that sharing these ridiculous notes with a complete stranger seemed to be so much fun? Perhaps. But who the hell cares right? I carried the book back to my desk and pondered on my reply. Not so surprisingly with my jumbled brain I was feeling particularly chatty today.

"Magneto is anything he wants to be.

And you see that is exactly why it is the perfect cover.

I can infiltrate the good guys club anytime I want, figure out their plan and then BAM! WORLD DOMINATION!

Perfect isn't it?

And it was totally your idea to become MosquitoMan. Now you gotta live with it man.

It's not too bad though. Trust me I have never met anyone who doesn't abhor mosquitoes. You shall be universally hated. I can guarantee that."

And on any other day that is exactly where I would have ended the note. Just a random response to a random set of conversations. But today somehow felt different. Not only was I seriously annoyed with the way my so called friends had behaved, Kong's attitude was really confusing me too. Perhaps I was looking to just vent out my frustrations into the void. Talking to some stranger that I would not meet, not know who it was, probably not even interact at any point. Or perhaps I was just searching for a friendly ear. Where I could be just me with all my weirdness and love of comics. Not pretending to be a hard ass or trying to put on a cool persona for my friends and juniors. So without giving it much further thought I began writing again.

"I am not really sure why I am telling you this but I had a really weird day today.

You know the kind of day when you expect it to go a certain way and then after the first hour everything and everyone goes berserk.

And then you spend your entire day wondering if it was you that was the crux of all problems or if none of it is in your hands and you are just a tiny pawn in the game of life. That no matter what you do things just keep happening and all that is left for you to do is react to it all.

Wow! I didn't know I was capable of so much rambling.

Didn't think Magneto could turn into an emo teenager did you?

I officially crown MosquitoMan as the cooler super villain.

By the way, are you a student?"

I read my note quite a few times. Constantly wondering if I should just rip it apart. And then out of nowhere I shoved the page back into the book and slammed it shut. More likely than not the stranger was surely going to think I was an everyday psycho, unloading my rather uninteresting life on someone I didn't even know.

But honestly what was the worst that could happen? The person would roll their eyes. Call me a nut job and toss out the sheet of paper. And put an end to this flimsy conversation. Infact secretly I might even be hoping for him to do just that. Cause who wants to talk to someone so whiny right? Yet the entire way home the thought that the stranger might think I am a mega weirdo kept plaguing me. Most of the night I kept hopping between being mad at my friends, confused about Kong, and anxious about how the stranger would respond.

I had spent so many hours overthinking the events of yesterday that when I woke up in the morning the thought I was meant to force Kong to come cook me breakfast didn't even cross my mind. In fact the very first thought as soon as I opened my eyes was that I needed to rush to the library and tear the note apart before that person got a chance to read it and most definitely decided I wasn't worth the trouble to continue this conversation. And maybe, just maybe I would salvage this nebulous relation with the innocuous ramblings of our fantasy world. Limit all communication to harmless comic book talk and perhaps I would still have atleast someone to talk to who would give me some pleasure instead of throwing my life further into confusion.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table to see it flashing barely 7. This was perfect. I could easily swing by the library before I made my way to classes. And in all my rush I swung open the front door and almost face planted. Grumbling loudly at whatever that had caused me to trip.

Turns out it was a takeout bag. Complete with food and a drink. Courtesy of Kongpob.

See, this is exactly what I am talking about. Now why would the boy go and bring me breakfast so early in the morning when I hadn't even demanded it of him? Every single time I feel like I have figured him out, he goes and does something completely out of character. I grabbed the bag and ran towards the library. Stressing over Kong would have to wait for later in the morning, cause for now I have another very urgent matter to take care. I power walked right up to the shelf I had placed the book last night and I swear I am not exaggerating when I say my jaw dropped to the floor.

Where the fuck did the book go?

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