Chapter 14

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Arthit's POV


Best day ever!

He was literally in my arms.

Well, technically it was an accident.

And it lasted like a micro second.

But none of that is relevant.

He was totally in my arms.

I haven't stopped smiling all day!


I may even get a chance to have a mini date of sorts soon.

Got any ideas?

But enough about me. Are your exams done yet?

Did you get a chance to think up a plan for your nemesis?

How did it go?"

I practically hopped, skipped, and jumped out the library as I made my way back home. I didn't even have my shift today, but that didn't matter cause I was just itching to get out all my excitement into our leather journal. Dying to scream to the world that my disastrous night had ended with the best surprise ever, and since Simba was my one sole confidant, it only made sense for me to run to the library as soon as Kong left my apartment.

Especially seeing how hideous my night was where I spent a better part of my hospital visit brooding over the fat that my love of the man was trying to kill me, I was totally ready to come home and hug my bed for the next foreseeable future. Except the gods must be in my favor cause I literally have my dream come true with him tumbling into my arms.

I must definitely be a glass half full kind of a guy cause it didn't even matter that he was stuffed in my closet all night trying to pull a prank on me while I was running around buying him flowers. What mattered was that the first thing he did after a long week of insane late nights and harrowing exams was to march into my domain and spend the night having me on his mind. And going by the deeply crimson blush firmly stamped on his face, think about me he did. In fact in the few short hours since I last saw him at my apartment I have gone through each and every tiny second of our precious interaction. My jaw almost hurting with smiling so widely just picturing that moment again.


The half-asleep, half-confused boy, stumbled out the closet right into my arms. Looking straight into my eyes like he was staring at a ghost before he rushed back up on his wobbly feet. His hands immediately having to grab my shoulders to stabilize himself, his body unconsciously leaning into me as he tried to slowly climb out of the closet. The grin on my face getting creepily large.

I know, I know. I am behaving like a thirteen year old, grinning ridiculously at the most harmless of touches from my crush, but my virgin ass was happily going to accept even the tiniest victories. Especially, as he gave me the most awkwardly shy smile.

"P'...P'Arthit, you are back?"


" you see I was....I was just..."

I cocked my eyebrow questioningly, completely enjoying watching him squirm right under my stare.

" your closet. Yeah, yeah, that's what I was doing. Cleaning it."

"Oh, you were cleaning it huh?"

"Yes, yes. I was cleaning it. Look. You can hardly recognize it from before."

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