Chapter Three: The Perfect Kiss (1988)

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The night commenced. Amy's roommate, Jane, had helped her take on the task of stocking the place with enough alcohol to put a large jungle cat to sleep. I danced, or rather spun in circles, on the large rug in the living room. The place smelled of heady incense and alcohol, the lights were a whimsical blur of amber and pink and the walls, covered in abstract tapestries, seemed to dance along with me to "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order, the song Alex had badgered Amy to play for no less than an hour.

"BEST SONG EVER!", Alex raved as he danced in the center of the living room.

"You say that about every New Order song!". Amy retorted as she kept Alex from flopping on the floor. Amy, though drunk herself, seemed the most put together.

"BEST FUCKING BAND EVER!", Alex slurred as he hoisted his gin and tonic in the air, "only close second is Joy Division! Man why'd Ian Curtis have to die? He was GREAT!"

"Yes, it was a tragedy", Amy once again saved Alex from falling over.

As those two were trapped in the eternal battle of Alex versus gravity, Graham sat on the couch, watching the events unfold as he bopped innocently along to the music. I stumbled over and sat down beside him.

"Are you not having fun?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine!", he answered, "I'm more of an observer of events like this!"

"Don't you wanna dance?"

"No, I'm not a dancer!"

"Neither am I until you give me enough vodka!". He giggled as I jangled the bottle I'd been sipping from in his face.

"Even with vodka, I can't!"

"Is there anything I can do to get you in the thick of it?", I thought for a second, "you like games?"

"Well um I-", before Graham had time to finish his answer, I lifted him by his right arm off the couch and to his feet.

"Oi! We wanna play Truth or Dare!",  Amy and Alex stopped in their tracks.

"Truth or Dare?", Amy asked.

"Yeah!". I swung mine and Graham's arms, "If we're all to be mates, we should get to know some deep, dark secrets and see each other do stupid shit!"

"I'm IN!" Alex slurred. Alex, Graham, and I all sat in a circle on the floor as Amy went to change the record.

"Low-life good?" she inquired. Alex's sloppy cheer was taken as a "yes" and Amy joined the circle.

"Alright, who wants to be victimized first!?", I asked, "AMY! Truth or Dare?"

"Truth, I guess?"

"Would you fuck Alex?", I laughed like a hyena as Amy shook her head in disapproval and Alex eyed up Amy sensually.

"Oh please! I only barely like boys and I'm not about to get with this trashy one!" Amy snarked as she sipped whiskey sour, "I'm Bi for women and Morrissey and he doesn't like anyone anyway!" We all erupted in laughter.

"Alright Amy, who ya targeting?", I asked. She hit me with wide, devious eyes.

"Miss Thang! Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Truth!" I giggled.

"Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?" she asked.

"As if you don't already know!" I retorted.

"Yeah, but they don't!", she said as Alex hit me with a sultry smile.

"Fine! Me shitty ex and I shagged in a jungle gym after a Modern English concert!" I sunk against the sofa, "You can't tell me "I Melt With You" ain't one of the most romantic songs of all time!"

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