Darkness Consumes All

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Just like that, the next day, Light had stepped back out and into the forest. Unscathed, unconcerned, and he'd sighed as he picked up his phone and wiped off the dew from a light drizzle. A quick tap to the charging port and a black thread of electricity later, it's on, and he's messaged those he'd alerted before, notifying them he was fine and it was taken care of now.

He'd stretch his arms above himself with a slight pop from his bones, taking a deep and calming breath as his eyes scanned the environment. The lone feather that clung to the grass with tar had him frown, and he'd walk over to it to pull both materials free without much issue. A sniff, and he'd fry it in his fingertips, eliminating the evidence. Another cursory scan, and Light tapped the toe of a boot to the earth, opening a black mist of a portal open and stepping into it with a rush of wind past his ears.

Truly it seemed to be a false alarm, and he'd swiped calmly through his contacts — seems more like he sent the text out to others when he dropped his phone. His adoptive brother, his husband, his cousins, even Asher and Henri got it. Though the phone shorted out before he could check for any responses, which lead to an irritated sigh as he'd dropped directly into Sutekh's lab with an eerie silence.

The demon was passed out on his desk, countless notes and chemicals nearby but surprisingly well maintained. The greyish tint to their skin suggested a severe lack of sunlight, and Light approached carefully to rest a hand on their shoulder. "Hey—"

Sutekh jumped immediately, sitting up straight with each golden eye wide and panicked. Though as he focused on the room and the form that loomed over his shoulder, his panic eased and he'd turned to sweep Light up in a tight hug. "Ohyou'realivethankthestarsIwasworriedsickareyouokaywhatwasth—"

"Whoa hey whoa it's alright, I'm fine, it was a false alarm, I caught a handle on the situation! Nothing can really stop a guardian, y'know?" Light's fangy smile was worried more than anything, and he'd leaned back just as he was set down, taking that half-step back to give the demon space to stand.

Though they didn't, instead tilting their head as a hand lingered on Light's side. As if evaluating something. "You – hey, have you been eating properly? You're not usually this cold and thin right, like, my memory isn't scrambled again is it?"

Light shook his head, "No you're alright. And yeah, I have, the guardian form just sorta slurps up nutrients real fast so I kinda always feel Extra Bony after. I just wanted to drop by and make sure you knew I was alright, I know how you get sometimes, gonna head home and eat, shower, pass the fuck out, y'know. The Usual Routi—"

"What's your middle name?" Those golden eyes narrowed slightly, and Sutekh's ears twitched, fingers now digging into Light's side uncomfortably.

He squirmed a little to get the pressure off of his ribs, to no avail, "Why are you even asking me that?"

Those fingers pressed harder, and a slip of red had fallen into the gold. Sutekh wasn't... quite so trusting, and that tail lashed behind him and bit deep into the wooden leg of his chair, "Answer the question." That voice, it was the one he spent so long burying and yet it came to surface without hesitation.

These ribs would bruise soon. Light tried to pry Sutekh's fingers from his waist, blue brows knitting, "I don't want to keep my old middle name, I don't have one anymore, why does it–"

"WRONG!" The demon stood with a whirlwind of energy, gold turning red and white turning black. Light sucked in a breath, and bared his teeth even as he felt the demon's fingernails break skin. He did what he had to do to preserve himself – he'd reached up and YANKED Sutekh's face down, a touch of black dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he'd pressed his lips to the demon's.

The need to recoil overwhelmed anything else, but Light's grip was like steel – impossible to escape. The angel's eyes never closed, watching black lines form through the demon's cheeks and up to leech the anger from their eyes. To force the third eye closed and seemingly stitch it closed until it melded seamlessly with the skin, to watch the tail recede and the vibrant gold turn to a honey brown.

To watch the energy leave the demon and turn them human.

When Light let go, Sutekh's legs gave way, coughing violently into his hands and staring with horror at the black goo that left his lungs. "What... did you... just..."

Light's fanged smile was dangerous, and he'd leaned down to be eye level with the now-human. "You're not a demon anymore! It'll be alright, you'll adjust to your body soon enough! Now I'm going to go catch some rest, and don't bother trying to leave this room, 'kay? You're not exactly at home anymore, and your magick is..." Well! Light wiggled his fingers and snapped once, and a blue flame engulfed his hand. Slightly pointed ears perked, and he'd study it for a moment before dismissing the fire and tapping his boot to the ground again.

"I'll check in on you soon. Au revoir ma très chère," The appearance and step through the portal was too swift for the energy-drained Sutekh to try to follow. They'd stared at their hands, vision blurring and doubling, before slowly sinking to a laying position and allowing themselves to blank out into the sudden exhaustion that consumed them, mind and body alike.

They'd try to alert people when — if, they realised, is the better way to put this — their consciousness returned

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