Prologue Thingy

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*[{If you didn't know, I had already published an adopted by yogscast book. It got deleted, so now I am remaking it with a few differences. Hope you enjoy!}]*

Eyy there. I'm McKenna, but I prefer Penny. It's kindof a weird nickname, (knowing my firstname anyway) but yeah. I'm currently twelve years old-turning thirteen next April.

The way I got the name was pretty awkward if you ask me. I came to this orphanage when I was around three, so I don't really remember much. According to the staff and other kids, I'd always find lucky pennies on the ground, and shout 'I found a penny!' at the top of my lungs. Eventually they just started calling me that.

Now that my name's is done, let's talk about me. 'Cause I am fabulouz.

I was born with long blackish-brownish hair. I honestly never really liked it that much. It got annoying really. Eventually, I saved up enough to dye the tips a greenish-blue. It didn't actually turn out the way I wanted, but I like it. It's cool.

You'll usually see me in a T-shirt and a skirt or shorts. Sometimes even a dress if I'm feeling fancy. But never in a million years will I wear fancy shoes. I'm all sneakers.

I've also got a pair of glasses. Two really. One is for school and one is for recreation. They are both Scooby-Doo themed, 'cause I'm fab like that.

My hobbies are singing, drawing, playing video games, and stalking youtubers.

Yeah I'm great like that. People say I'm good at singing and drawing, but I honestly don't think so.

I suck at playing video games, especially PVP in Minecraft, but it's still a ton of fun. I play mainly Minecraft and an online game called Animal Jam (It's addicting, don't ask), and a few other random games.

About the stalking people thing-It's mainly the Yogscast. If you don't believe me, then name a person from it and I'll say full name, channel, popular ship, and more. I literally watch their videos twenty-four seven. I eat and sleep too.

Yes. That's literally my life.

Speaking of lives, I don't really have one. Not socially anyway. I mean, I've got friends here at the orphanage, but they aren't really bestfriends. I'm not exactly bullied, but some people here are just pure bastards. Especially Amy. Damn, she's a hardcore bitch!

She is always pulling pranks-and I don't mean funny ones. She'll dump water on my head during an adoption; steal all my clothes; change my iPhone's password; and more. It's becoming less frustrating and more of a nuisance, honestly.

At school I focus on my studies more than friends. Call me Twilight Sparkle if you want-but none of them have the same interests as me, and they are only about 15 others my age.

Anyway, you might be asking-how did you end up in there anyway? Honestly, I don't know. You aren't allowed to find out until you're adopted or sixteen. So I either have to be adopted or wait four years. All I know is that I used to be in America but something happened and I was transferred to Bristol.

But that's enough about me-We should get started from the beginning, right?


Hopefully you liked that intro thingy. If you read the first one, you can tell it's a bit different. Thanks for reading!

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