12- Not Stong Enough

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I can't live like this

Not strong enough to go on
Not strong enough to hurt myself
Not strong enough to rid the world of me

Trapped screaming inside
My own head filled with so many doubts
Pounding to come out

Can't cut my wrists
Can't hurt myself
Can't sleep
Can't be strong
Can't stop eating
History repeating
In front of my eyes

I'm going insane
Some people think it's a game
Think people cut themselves for fame
And starve themselves for fortune
They joke all the time

Would you rather kill yourself or be murdered?

They laugh it off like it's nothing

I sit there
thinking about how

If I had it my way
I might already be dead

What would they say then?

I eat myself almost inside out
But I have to keep it all inside
Can't let it show
Have to hide

My mother too observant
My father like a hawk
Both watch too closely

My friends care so much
But I'm trapped on the outside
Nothing's the same anymore

I hide my insecurities
Trying so hard to stay with them
Stay inside the group

Only to lose my smiles
Soon after I've plastered them on
No one seems to notice
That it's all mostly fake

I'm just
Strong enough

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