dinner with the family

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I Jitter with blood on my hands about to knock on the door but first I need to wash my hands so they don't know. I wash my hands before I head out and get my tux I get in the car I drive there jittering hands again scared they won't like me. She looks at me with a smile she never smells like that. She says you'll love my family don't worry they love you. She doesn't know that murder her soon. We rise a Jitter and Jitter and Jitter nothing can stop my jitters. We knock on the door. They open up with cheerleading meet me there so happy to meet you. I take a deep breath and walk inside. Give me a big handshake and welcomed me like I'm part of the family. They have everything for dinner they are potatoes meat everything you thought that your love dinner. Everything walks into the box of death. I grab my knife when you wear sleeping because we slept at her house. I'm murder her parents first they don't  because they're sleeping.Then i kill her with joy.I run out of the house with joy.I now was happy.Ps mom live your life happy ill vist your grave today .Love Jackson

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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