Chapter 2

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" It's nice to meet you and that's a beautiful name, sweetheart ", Anne compliments. My eyes widen at the thick British accent that leaves her mouth.

" We just moved into the neighborhood... you're mother has told me that you both live quite close to us.", she tells me with a smile.

When she tells me this, I'm not sure how to respond so I simply fake a smile.

" Oh, honey, all the parents are heading out for the night to go see a movie... so it'll just be you teens. You're going back with Julieanne?", my mother asks me a little too over protectively.

I knew that she was only trying to make sure that I was okay but the way that she was talking to me began to make me upset. She makes it seem that I was incapable of taking care of myself.

" Yes, mother. " I say with a certain flatness in my voice. I clench my teeth together tightly to forbid myself from saying something that I would eventually regret.

" Actually Anne, maybe you would like to join us? It would be a great way for you to meet some people around the neighborhood and we'd love to have you come along." my mom says before plastering on her best smile. My heart began to beat faster realizing that there would only be about ten teenagers left alone to do whatever they want and that Harry would be one of them. I started to think of all possibilities that could come of these unsupervised young, curious minds being left without supervision.

" That'd be great! I really only came out here to drop Harry off and meet a few parents but it'd be nice to meet more new neighbors. " she explained. I stand there awkwardly and glare towards Harry. He's wearing a white t-shirt that makes the tattoos on his chest and arms clearly visible and I can't help but stare in curiosity at the ink that covers most of his skin. When I look up to face him, I notice that he was watching as I scanned his body. I send him a slight expression on skepticism and he sends me a sly smirk back before looking away.

" Well, we were actually going to be heading out I'm a couple minutes... you can ride with us since there aren't many adults here and there'll be enough room in the car, if you want," my mom invites while staring directly at Anne in the face.

" Well that'd be great! " Anne boasts and I look into her deep forest eyes to notice a sparkle in them.

" Okay Angelina, I'll be home around eleven." She sends a warning glare in my direction before walking in a different direction with her hand guiding Anne to a group of adults.

I look straight ahead of me and I see the curly haired boy still carrying that exact smirk... although he was gorgeous, I really didn't care for the way that he looked at me - his eyes, a careless and never ending set of green orbs running up and down me. I bite my lip and think of something clever to say to break the ice and to stop my rapid heartbeating.

" So frat boy, is there a reason that you were staring at me that way? " my voice carries playfulness. I use the nickname because he seems like one. If you look at him quickly, he seems like the type to party and drink every weekend.

" Well Angel, I only stare at the beautiful ones that way.", his accent sounds amazingly attractive when he speaks. I instinctively roll my eyes at the comment that is much too common. I stop right before we get to the group of people out of shock of what he said.

" Wait... " I turn to him and he stops to look at me too. " What did you just call me? ", my tone comes out a little more serious than I mean for it to be. Did he just call me... Angel? The pain that comes along with the memories of that nickname flood through me while re-opening up past wounds.

" I don't think you've realized that your name literally starts with those five letters. ", instead of answering me, he explain.

" Yes, I know...", I look away, pausing to hide the thoughts and vague images that surface in my mind.

" Don't call me that. " I continue walking in the direction of the small group with him tracing my footsteps behind me.

" Angel.", he repeats and I sigh out the frustration that comes to me while biting my lip. I look up at him and notice that he isn't looking at me but wearing a barely-there smile.

I sit on a log and pull my cold legs together while Harry takes a seat next to me a little too closely. He breaths heavily on my neck and I feel the goosebumps rise.

He smirks at me and I send him a glare. I nudge at his shoulder when he doesn't budge.

I look at the crowd staring at us to introduce him " Guys, this is Harry Styles... he's... new around here."

Harry keeps quiet with a stern face when all the guys and girls introduce themselves. I look back to everyone playing the game when Harry seems to be at loss for words.

" Hey, Angelina?", a close friend of mine named Troy asks me.

" Yeah?", I smile at him waiting for him to continue. I feel Harry's eyes shift from me to Troy.

" Did all the old people leave yet?", I giggle at his question and look back to where they were before and don't notice my mother, Harry's, or anyone else's parents.

" Yeah, why? What do you guys have in mind?", I raise an eyebrow. My voice makes me sound as if I'm not too sure about doing anything tonight but my facial expression tells a completely different story while I smile at him.

" Well, me and some of the other guys were thinking about getting some beer, some other stuff, and maybe a couple more people over here... ? ", my mind roams when he says " other stuff " but I'm not surprised due to some of the parties that I've been to this year. People are usually drunk, high, and taking pills. I don't know why he's asking me because this isn't my house but I decide to take it as he's only asking for my opinion. I look to Harry who has a smirk covering his face then back to Troy before answering.

" Uhm yeah, sure... I guess; but you guys need to clean it up afterwards", I try to bargain. Troy's face shines with happiness and shock that I support what their plan is tonight.

" Done! We'll be back soon.", Troy whispers something to two guys before they all stand and exit the large backyard into the backdoor and out of the front door. Harry looks back at me and I give him a look screaming that I know he is going to say something.

" So... party girl, huh? Very interesting.", he asks with a small smile and I smile back.

" Actually, not. I'm probably not into everything that you're probably thinking right now but I'm not like a prude or anything.", I say. It's true really, I'm the girl that will be fun but won't go too far.

" And what is it that I'm thinking right now, Angel?", in that moment when he calls me " Angel ", I decide to quit trying to make him stop saying it because although I know nothing about this boy, I can tell that he is the stubborn type and nothing that I tell him will make him stop. I open my mouth to answer him when the backdoor creaks open again. I gasp at the dark haired person that walks into the yard.

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