Chapter 1

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The cool air pushed against the smooth skin on my cheeks. My eyes are a drift on the people around me.

As we all sat around the fire in the backyard playing " Never Have I Ever ", I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Nate. My mind though about how the sparkle of his smile could light up my entire day. I though about how I could let my fingers drag through his soft, dark hair all day.My mind daydreamed about the shinning brown eyes that never ceased but to look down at me. Me and Nate had been together for nearly 3 1/2 months and as of now, everything with him was going great; he was incomparable to other boys, in my opinion.

Katie's loud, peppy voice brings me out of my thoughts as she realizes that it is her turn.

" Never have I ever... " her face showed confusion, she was thinking about something that she had never done that others most likely have.

" ... skipped class ", she says. I put one finger down symbolizing that this was something that I had done before. This was something that most of our age, 16 had already done so it was something good for her to say. The way the game works is when it comes to your turn, you say something that you haven't done that most probably have. When someone says something that you have down, you put one of your fingers down; the object of the game is to be the only one to still have fingers up when no one else does, showing that you basically have the least amount of experience in life.

It's overly complicated, but impressively popular.

As I put down my finger, I realized that I only had two fingers left.

Man, I'm such a rebel.

I laugh to myself considering how ridiculous those words sounded even in my head. As my turn finally came, I was ready to give my inexperienced thought when I was interrupted by the back patio door being shut symbolizing that someone had just arrived.

All heads turned when an middle-aged lady walked out of the glass framed door. She had dark brown hair that came a little ways past her shoulders with glowing green eyes. She wore a pink below-knee length sun dress with a black pair of sandals. A teenage boy stumbles out, walking directly beside her. The woman was visibly the boys mother... the similarities between them were endless. All eyes were glued to the boy beside her.

Granted, he was gorgeous; his striking green eyes showed no emotion at the moment but were beautiful in an indescribable way.

The way that his white, nearly see-through t-shirt gave the ability to see his defined abbs. He had perfectly formed curls that shined under the gradually brightening moonlight.

I stared intently, not at the boy that no one had seen before but all the gawking teenage girls while the boys around then snickered and sent glares his way, most likely jealous.

I understand that he was very pleasant to look at but these girls were practically drooling, it showed that they would be easy and gave off the great idea that they had low respect for themselves. But then again, that is the usual.

As he and the lady made their way towards where most parents were located, I noticed my mom chatting up a storm as the boy stood there with a strong sense of boredom lingering on his face as he half-heartedly listened to her rant.

I stood up instantly, all focus directed towards me now. I had to save him for the chatty mouth that was my mother. Without giving anyone an explanation to why I got up, I slowly saunter towards my mother, the lady, and the now very uncomfortable boy standing close by.

I walk toward them with a feeling of confusion and a secret desperateness to meet this mysterious boy. Even if it were only a few words.

As I inched closer, I felt his eyes roam up and down me. With self-consciousness written all over my face, I looked down at my appearance, completely forgetting what I had worn due to his intense gaze. I began to relax realizing that I was in my naturally faded blue high-waisted shorts and bright pink cropped top with a gold floral necklace hanging lowly around my neck.

Simple and respectable

I approach my mother nervously and try composing myself when she wraps her arm around my back.

" Honey, this is Anne Cox and her son, Harry Styles ", she says slightly before I am pulled into a tight embrace by Anne. Harry sent his mom an intense look when she pulled away and she smiled at me shyly.

" Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Angelina Mirabella ", my high pitched voice squeaks while I allow my gaze to stay on Harry as his did the same. A sudden urge to talk to him and know everything about him came to me when he winked at me as his mother and mine weren't paying much attention. I blushed endlessly before turning my head rapidly to the side to hide the smile beginning to form on my pink tinted face.

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