cHaPtER 16

115 7 2

(RAvEn'S POv)

'Wake up Rave!' a girl said

'Yea, seriously! Wake up!!' another girl had said.

'Huh?' I asked


'OW! JEUS!' I screamed, my head was killing me like someone threw a bag of bricks on me. Ouch. I stood up to see...

'Megan? Jennette?'

'DUH!' Jennette said

'Who did  you think we were?' Megan said.

'Ugh... forget it, my head hurts I'm just tired... I guess.' I said laughing  nervously.

'Whatever, get dressed already we need to go to school! Like. Now.  Now!' Megan said getting off my bed with a white button down sleevless shirt tucked in her pink mini skirt, brown slutty boots and a ton of makeup and her blonde hair down with no hair out of place.

'Honestly!' Jennette said wearing white shorts with a light blue tanktop with beads and other hideous items that belong on those really big lamps that hang from the ceiling, I think it's called a chandeler, or some other french name.

'Um....' I said kind of speechless.

'Are you broken?' Jennette asked

'Lol!' Megan exclaimed.

'Yeah, ummm I''ll get dressed now.... give me a second.....' I said hesitantly.

'Alright we'll give you like five minutes, starting now!' Megan said

I slammed the door, and immediatly went to the window.

This.... this... can't be real.....

But it was...

I'm back home?





:3 I'll love you forever!


tHe InSAniTy GAmeS- Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now