If anybody gets the reference I will...do nothing but be proud
I have no ideas so yeah...also I AM TERRIBLE AT WRITING STORIES SO...no hate
also I might not finish this so...yeet
When you woke up Rouxls was chuckling. He is so cute when he's happy. I mean he is cute all the time but...
"What's so funny?" you asked him, "Seeth for thyself!" he beamed.
He gave you mirror and the first thing you noticed was your hair
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(bad drawing by me)
"Rouxls...prepare to die..." You said almost emotionlessly.
"(y/n)? What art thee doing?" Rouxls asked as you crawled towards him, "(Y/N) This ist not funny... Thou art scaring me"
You jumped on his chest and hugged him. Rouxls blushed, "Thou art so nice, and I appreciateth thy... affection, but couldst thee get off me?"
You nodded and did what he said, and then you basically had a staring contest for a minute.
Then Lancer started to run towards the cell, waving his arms and shouting something that you couldn't understand.
Rouxls opened the door and lancer ran into the wall.
Lancer turned around and ran towards you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Susie says you should get home quick!" Lancer warns. He turns toward Rouxls "Lesser Dad, Please let (Y/N) go home!" Lancer starts to beg before Rouxls could talk. Rouxls
"I wast waiting for thee to asketh me that." Rouxls sighed, and then he walks towards you, he leans down and looks into your eyes "I shall misseth thee, worm. "
You step out of the abandoned classroom and Susie shouted "HELLO FREN!"