Staying over

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That night, You were bored out of your mind, You usually manage to sleep on the hard floor but for some reason, you couldn't tonight. 

You were deep in thought, Thinking about your friends and if they are ok, Thinking about your old home, Thinking about Rouxls.

The cell door opened up, "Worm art thee awaketh?" Rouxls asked quietly, "If so...Can I stayeth with thee?! Thee seemeth so lonely!" 

You blush and show him your true form, a tomato. 

Rouxls sighed, "I guesseth that's a nay. oh well..." he says with a smirk and shrugs, "That was not a no!" You answer "You can stay, I'm somewhat lonely, so you could stay, I mean...If you want to...Not forcing you, You can go now-" Rouxls cuts you off, "Thee needeth not to ramble, or maybe thee do, No, thee don't" He says and walks out of the cell "I'll receiveth thee something to lay on, thee seemeth not to beest able to sleep on the hard floor tonight." and the cell door closes

a few minutes later Rouxls came back with two sleeping bags, "Lancer hath said it wast ok if thee borrowed his sleeping bag, It's a bit big for him anyway. " Rouxls said and put the sleeping bags down, You crawled in the smaller one which you assumed was lancers and soon found yourself fast asleep.

"Why doest she has't to beest so cute" Rouxls muttered under his breath.

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