Scared! Mask x Reader

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Thank you @Rae-rin for requesting this! I hope you like it 😅
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Masks P.O.V
I was heading to Inkopolis Square with my teammates.

"Are you sure you don't need help this time Mask?" One of them asked.

"I'llllllll be fiiinneee..." I 'growled' in annoyance. You see, I have a fear of people. Well not people exactly, more like physical contact with them. I'm basically a germaphobe. I don't know why I have a fear like this but I try my best to hide it. My teammates are the only people that know and they do their best to help me when we're in public.

I'm not sure why I get so scared when coming into physical contact with a person but I know I don't like it. I wasn't looking before I ran right into a smaller inkling around my age. Getting nervous, I backed away trying to hide my wide eyes.

"S-Sorry! I should have been looking!" She stood back up dusting her self off before reaching her hand out to me.

"Yeah you should have." I muttered. Just the thought of grabbing her hand made me shiver. I stood up on my own and looked at the girl.
She had (f/c) tentacles and big (e/c) irises. Jeez. I could feel my face heating up the longer she stared.

Your P.O.V
I just ran into MASK. One of the S4!! Liek, physical contact and all! C'mon say something you fart! I yelled at my self. Noticing he was just staring at me, "Again, sorry for running into you like that! This happens to me a lot..." I laughed.

"Weeeelll dooonntt do iit agaaaiiiinnn." Mask whined, "I'll try not to!" I giggled again.

"(Y/n)!! What did we say about walking and drawing!" Kensa, one of my teammates yelled, "Sorry Kensa." I scratched the back of my head.

"When will you learn your lesson!"

Masks P.O.V
As the so called (y/n) and Kensa began their little squabble, I noticed the sketch book on the ground wide open. Walking over I picked it up and looked at the page that was the book was flipped to.

There were drawings of me in there? Like my gear and facial expressions without my mask on. They were very good but how did she know what I looked like under this mask? It was a really arcuate drawing. Maybe she's just really good at guessing.

One of my teammates looked over my shoulder and spoke, "Hey these are pretty good!"

"Wha-" (y/n) looked over and saw her book in my hands, "oh!! Hey how'd that get there!" She laughed nervously looking down to hide her bright red face.

"How did you know what this lamo looks like under the mask?" One of my other teammates asked.

"Uh- I- I didn't know... just a guess..." she twiddled her thumbs.

"Well these are spot on!"

"Really? Thanks!" She exclaimed in a more excited state then before.

Your P.O.V
Kensa decided to join in on the conversation, "Say... wanna come eat with us?"

"Oh they don't have to they probably have a turf war-" I tried to stop Kensa.

"That sounds fun!" One of Masks mates said.
I smiled and lead them to the restaurant.

————————time skip—————————

We had all eaten and mask and I were getting along swimmingly! We had all the same interests, video games, movies, etc. The other had gone out side to ship- *cough hack cough* shop for us so, we stayed and talked.

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