Chapter 1

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(Rebecca's POV)

"Do you have to go?" Chelsea whined from the doorway of my bedroom.

"Yes, I do," I sighed. "We've been through this before. My family needs me." I had received a phone call from Alice yesterday morning- the first one in a long time- requesting me to visit Forks whenever convenient. Immediately, I booked the next available flight to Washington and started to gather up my stuff. But, that was the easy part.

I continued to pack my belongings, trying to avoid the heartbreaking look my best friend was giving me. I have lived in London for five years now, and this was the first time I'll be leaving without a determined return date. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I would return. This will be the first time seeing my family in a few years. I'm sure they are ready for me to come back, but am I? I have definitely missed them all, but I have already made a life for me here in London. I have friends! You would be surprised how many vampires stroll these European roads.

Chelsea was the first friend I made here, I met her when she attacked me. Because I'm a hybrid, and not fully vampire, I have some human aspects about me. My smell for instance is sweet, but not as strong as a vampires, so it can be mistaken for a human's. That's what happened when Chelsea found me in the woods. It actually took a lot of explaining- I told her that it was my ability, and that I use it to blend in better with mortals. Thankfully, she bought it- and still buys it to this day.

"Don't you think it's strange it took six years for them to call you?" she insists.

"Of course," I agree, finally looking at her. "But, what if they are in trouble? Or better yet, what if they just miss me," I tease, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Or, maybe it's Alec!" she screams. "What if Alec kidnapped your family and is torturing them in an attempt to get you back!"

Here's some background information: Alec, as you might have guessed, is my crazy ex boyfriend. We dated for a few years, but when I had discovered that he cheated on me, I broke it off. He's been trying to get me back ever since. It's getting a little incessant actually, and each attempt feels like another stab in the heart. He's the reason I have trust issues.

"I highly doubt that," I giggle.

"But, what if it is," she insists. "Would you really want to leave the protection of your BVFF?"

"BVFF?" I asked.

"Best Vampire Friend Forever," she replies as though it were obvious. I just laugh at my friend, throwing the closest piece of clothing I had. She easily caught it and threw it back into by bag. I roll my eyes at her and scoff.

"Of course," I mutter, continuing to pack.

"I'm going miss you," Chelsea sighed. I looked up at my friend. I swear if she could, I would see tears streaming down her cheeks. I give her a small smile before walking over and giving her a hug.

"I'm going to miss you, too," I reply. "But, you can always call me! And, who knows, I may be back before you know it! Or, you can visit me in America!"

"Now, that's an idea," she laughed.

"Great," I sigh. "Now, that that is settled, will you please help me pack?"


(Jacob's POV)

"I can't believe you agreed to this," I yell towards Sam.

"I have no reason not to, Jacob," Sam replies calmly, although everyone in the room could tell he was losing his patience. "She could help us defeat the vampires."

"She is a vampire!" I argue. How was Sam not seeing this? How was the pack not seeing this? "Those Cullen's can say she isn't like them, but that doesn't change what she is: a monster."

"We don't know what she's like yet. We will know when we meet her."

"We don't have to meet her to know," I insist. "I don't want to meet her. I'm not going to give her the chance to kill the citizens in this town. Who's with me?" I ask, hoping to receive an enthusiastic agreement. Instead, I was met with a disappointing look of un-interest from the guys. "Fine. You all go and put all of our territory in danger. Just leave me out of it," I decide, leaving everyone speechless as I head out of the house and into the forest where I can be alone and think to myself. I heard several calls as I left, but in the end they knew I needed my space so they let me be.

Hopefully they take in my advice for when they meet this hybrid. Hopefully they don't make the wrong decision.


Thank you all for reading! Let me know what you think in your comments! What should I add into this story? I need your feedback.

Real quick: These characters do not belong to me, except for the ones I created. Thanks.

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