Many Happy Returns

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Evelyn put the kettle on. She stood, looking at the pot as it heated up but not really seeing it. Eve pulled the long sleeves of her sweater down over her hands, twisting the fabric. Behind her, the apartment was a mess. Empty mugs and bowls sat around the room wherever she abandoned them. Dust began to collect in the corners and laundry piled up in her bedroom.

Evelyn didn't care.

The water bubbled, steam hissed, and the kettle clicked off. Eve poured boiling water into an old yellow teapot numbly. She raked a hand through her tangled hair and tried to rub the weariness from her eyes.

She poured tea into a cup, cradling it between her sweater covered hands. She shuffled out of the kitchen and back into her room. Evelyn set the cup on the bedside table. She lay down on her side and resumed staring at the wall.

Across the room, her phone buzzed from under a discarded shirt.

Eve closed her eyes.

Cars drove by on the street below, and a train whistled in the distance.

Evelyn pulled the blanket up to her chin.

Early afternoon sunlight drifted by in small shafts of light, despite the closed blinds.

Eventually, she drifted into a shallow sleep. Blue eyes and mysteries and curls and long coats and moments floated by behind her eyelids. She woke up every once in awhile, sleepily reaching for him before remembering and falling into a stupor once again.

She awoke around four in the afternoon. Eve blinked her eyes open, rolling over onto her back. She sighed, and mustered enough energy to sit up.

Mycroft Holmes stood at the foot of her bed.

She gasped, jumping a little in surprise. "What the hell, Mycroft?"

"It's been nearly three weeks, Evelyn." Mycroft said, tapping the tip of his umbrella against the floor. "This is getting a bit ridiculous."

"I told you, I'm on vacation." She spat, flopping back down and pulling up the blanket again.

"Yes, well, it does appear to be quite the trip."

"Leave me alone, Mycroft." Eve said. "Have the rest of the government solve your cases. I'm busy."

Mycroft didn't respond.

Evelyn felt a surge of frustration. She sat up, glaring at him. "Look, I don't―"

"I'm sorry."

Eve stopped, taken aback.

"I am." Mycroft looked at his shoes. "I caused this."

Evelyn swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She rose and wordlessly walked over to him. Mycroft couldn't contain his surprise and slight fear as Eve pulled him into a hug. She pulled away and he caught one of her hands, giving it a squeeze.

Mycroft managed an awkward attempt at a genuine smile. "It's time to get back to work."

"Alright, but no more favors for your high class friends. I want cases that actually help people who need it."

"I have just the thing in mind." Mycroft said. "How would you like to take down one of the biggest drug gangs in London?"

Evelyn smiled. "Sounds perfect. Where do I start?"


Snow fluttered around Eve. The small white flakes danced in the air, melting within seconds of settling on the street or the fabric of her red coat. Around her, people smiled at the rare phenomenon of a London snow.

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