Chapter 34

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Abby's POV

   I haven't left my room in over 2 weeks. I just sit on the side of my bed and stare at the same spot on the wall. Kelsey brings me food everyday but I only eat a few bites so I don't die. Not like that would be such a bad thing. I haven't been on my phone since that day. All I could think about are the things Caroline has done. I have heard the boys downstairs multiple times asking if they can come see me. When I look out the window sometimes I see Zach and Caroline outside laughing. That should be me and him. He deserves so much better than that monster. 

   Cara and Bella have come over sometimes. They try making me smile but smiling is painful. I can't do it. I just stare at the same spot on the wall. 

    From sitting in the same spot I stink. I haven't showered in days. I have become really skinny and sick like. My eye color also dulled. Now they are a dull brown instead of my bright brown ones. Kelsey is starting to get worried I will die. That I will decay staying in the same spot. I haven't talked in days either. I have nothing to say. When I open my mouth the speak all that comes out is air.

     I also can not stop crying. Tears have stained my cheeks since that day. I don't know how much longer I can hold on like this. My phone was going off a lot at first and I got annoyed so I threw it across my room. It didn't break it and it kept going off so I just let it die. I barely sleep. I am tired but when I try and sleep I get nightmares. I wake right back up. 

    I was still staring at that spot on the wall when Kelsey came in. She sat next to me. 

    "Abby you can't stay here like this anymore. It is killing you." I didn't reply. 

    "Abby." There was a voice I haven't heard in a while. The boys, not with Zach, walked into the room slowly acting as if they get close i'll snap their necks. I looked at Kelsey.

     "I'm sorry Abby. You need them here. I am not helping you any." I just turned my gaze back on the wall.

    Kelsey stood up and walked over to the boys. 

   "What is wrong with her?" Jack asked. 

    "She will tell you when she is ready. Just please try and fix her." Kelsey before walking out of my room. Corbyn was the first to come over to me. 

    "Oh my little chicken nugget." He said hugging me even though I stink. I didn't hug back and just kept looking at the wall. 

    The boys sat there for at least an hour examining me. I just kept staring at the wall. Finally Jonah stood up. 

    "Get up." He said to me. I just looked at him.

     "I said get up." I shook my head. 

   "Abby get up now." Jonah said with a more deep voice. Slowly I stood up. Not making a sound as I did so. 

    "Go get in the bath. Get yourself clean. The boys and I will get you a change of clothes. Now go." He pointed towards the bathroom. I obeyed and walked into the bathroom.

     I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed. My hair was a mess, I had dark circles under my eyes, in all I looked dead. I was really pale due to lack of sunlight. I took my shirt off. You could see my ribs and all of the scars that lined them. I turned my gaze away and finished getting undressed. I turned on the bath water. I let it fill up then I got in. My muscles instantly relaxing under the heat. 

     After my bath I wrapped a towel around me. I went over to the sink and washed my face off. Some of the cold water got into my mouth and it made me instantly thirsty. I put my head under the faucet and drank the cold water. After I was done I stuck my head out the door. No one was inside my room so I walked out. On my bed was a pair of leggings and one of the boys sweatshirts. I changed into it. I looked at myself in the mirror. I already looked more human and not zombie like. 

    I made my way downstairs where I heard laughter. I walked in the kitchen to see Jonah cooking something an the rest laughing. All eyes snapped to me. Kelsey's mouth fell open. I sat at the counter and looked at her confused.

    "What?" I said. This made her mouth fall lower. 

     "Y-Your out of your room and talking." I shrugged and looked at the food Jonah made. He sat a plate in from of me. I took my fork and took a bite. Then another. After a few bites I was full. I sat the fork down and pushed the plate away. They all looked at me with a sad smile. 

   "It's progress." Kelsey said. 

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