Chapter 22 (pt. 1)

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Abby's POV (day of concert)

      I was really nervous for today. What if Zach doesn't like that I lied and said I was in Australia. What if he doesn't think I'm pretty. Oh no why am I worrying about this. Zach is my best friend. He should understand that I wanted to surprise him. Daniel helped me set this up. He got me limelight and VIP tickets even though I told him not to. 

      I was in the car with my sister as we were driving to the venue. "So are you nervous to meet your little boyfriend?" She asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

    "Zach is my best friend. Nothing more." Saying that made her scoff. 

    "Honey you have been obsessed with him since they first got in the band." I rolled my eyes and looked back out my window.
      "We are here." Kelsey said. I nodded and got out of the car. 

    "Text me when the show is done and I'll come get you. Have fun, don't get raped." I laughed.

    "I won't get raped kels." She shrugged. 

     "There are some crazy people out there Abby." I nodded and backed away from the car.

       First was the meet and greet. I was really nervous. This could either go bad or really good. I got in line with the rest of the limelight's, a few of them recognized me and asked for pictures, which I gladly took with them. I am not that popular but after the boys started following me and commenting on my pictures I became known. After maybe 20 minutes of waiting the door opened and limelight's were pushing and shoving to get inside. I decided to go last so I let all of the limelight's get ahead of me.
      The line for the meet and greet was pretty long. Maybe about a 30 minute wait. I made sure that I stayed to the very back so I'm the last person to see them. After the person in front of me left I heard someone groan. 

  "How many more are there. I want to the show to start." I heard Zach's voice. 

    "One more dude chill out." Daniel replied.

    I smiled and walked up. The picture dude, I don't remember his name, also knew I was gonna be here. Daniel was the first one to notice me. His frown turning into a bright smile. When I hugged him he whispered in my ear. 

   "Let's see how long it takes them to realize it's you." I smiled and nodded.

  I went from each of the boys none of them recognizing me. I finally got to Zach. He gave me sort of a side hug, you could tell he was anxious. I scoffed.

     "Is something wrong?" He asked. "Yeah you gave me a side hug. How nice." I said lowering my voice so it didn't sound like me

"Well if there is pro-" Zach finally took in my appearance and stopped mid sentence.

"Abby." He said breathlessly. I smiled at him.  He  wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up hugging me tightly. 

     "I thought you were in Australia." He said into my hair. I smiled and hugged him tighter. 

   "I was. I didn't have time to get tickets so Daniel helped me." I looked over at the boys and all of them except Daniel haven't moved from their spot.

       "So you're telling me my bandmate knew that you were gonna be here." I nodded. Zach glared at Daniel. All of this got interrupted but David coming in. Oh did I mention the boys manager is my cousins husband.
     "Hey David." I said walking over and hugging him. He smiled and hugged me back. 

     "Hey kiddo." I heard a gasp. 

      "What is going on here. David doesn't like hugs." I laughed.

      "David is my cousins husband." I replied.

      "Well as much as I enjoy seeing my baby cousin you guys need to go on stage in 15, so if you are going to take a picture take it now." I nodded and walked over to them.
      Zach ran over to me and hugged me, while the other boys were hugging each other.

     "You should watch the show from backstage." Corbyn said. Oh have I also mentioned that Corbyn and I have gotten close. Yeah he is also my best friend. When they were on tour and Zach was sleeping Corbyn put my number into his phone. Zach wasn't thrilled and got mad at Corbyn but hey a friendship bloomed out of it. 

"I don't know how David would feel." I said hesitantly. The boys just smirked and before I knew it I was being pulled out of the meet and greet room.

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