2- test phase

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'Why didn't she die?' asked the boss, infuriated. Being exposed to that much cosmic radiation had killed all their human test subjects before. Why didn't it kill her? 'That's the problem. We don't know, sir,' a scientist said impatiently. 'The girl could have superhuman abilities, but that seems a bit far fetched, even for us, sir,'
The boss grabbed him by the collar aggressively. 'Then give me your best theory. We are on the verge of a breakthrough! Why does no one get that?'
The cube was the product of the life's work of two scientists, who created what was basically a star, but it could sustain itself forever and was an energy source that could level a city if misused. The scientists made a pact that it would never be used for destruction, but they disappeared before the government could question them about their work. All that was left was the cube. Some say that the scientists themselves had to die to complete the project. Others say they committed suicide after discovering the cube's capabilities. 'The only theory is that the pact was imprinted into the cube's mechanics, and it's powers are unlocked because of worthiness.'
'That's preposterous!' the boss vented, throwing up his hands in exasperation.
They approached the lab, looking over the shoulders of the technicians and through the one-way mirror at her holding cell. Whitish-grey walls, a small tray holding syringes and in the middle of it all, she was there, on a coverless bed, fighting a drug-induced sleep. Green heart rate monitors bleeped and dancing lines on display screens keep track of her condition, and a drip leaks a cocktail of sedative and painkiller into her system. Her dark hair lies tangled in stark contrast to the dull pillow, her arms dangling over the edge of the bed.
'Wake her up.'
A few clicking of buttons later, she was awake, groaning and lying, petrified, on the bed.
'Where am I?' she muttered, lips barely  moving and eyelids barely open. Suddenly, she threw back the covers and sped over to the mirror. She delicately placed one finger against the glass.
'One way mirror. I'm not stupid. Tell me where I am,' she spat, turning away again. Almost drunkenly, her feet give beneath her, and she collapses to the floor.
'I'll find out,' she said, propping herself up on trembling arms. Her arms shook and gave way, and she was faceplanting again.
One of the technicians behind the mirror tested a mic and began speaking to her.
'Do you know your name?'
Faking confusion, she replied, ' Gimme  a minute, it's a little fuzzy, hold on, it'll come to me.' She snorted with laughter.
'Ok, ok. Yeesh. Bex Marcel.'
'Full name.'
'Rebecca Elodie Marcel. My turn. Where the heck am I?' she said mockingly.
Stronger now, she stood up on two feet and wiggled her fingers. She guessed being funny wouldn't do her any favours, so she put aside the fear and tried to act tough.
'Ooh. Classified.' The fingers formed a fist.
'Now, I know that makes me important. Important enough to, forgive just a little '
Nearly the whole room behind the mirror pulled a gun out and pointed them at her.
'We have at least 30 guns aimed at your head. Put your hands in the air.'
She looked at the glass, eyes fixed straight ahead, trying to push down the panic and the strange feeling inside.
'You're lying. That weird cube screwed me up, but I know I should be dead. You wouldn't risk losing an asset, would you?'
Those behind the glass all realised she was telling the truth.
Instantly, she turned, closed her eyes and threw a rapid punch at the wall.

'Tell me where I am!' she shrieked, her black as night hair falling across her face in tendrils, giving her the air of a madwoman.
All around the boss, screens were flashing, alarms were blaring, switches were being flicked and a rainbow array of buttons were frantically being pushed. At least 20 guns were put up. Asset or not, if she is dangerous, the boss will want her put down.
'Put her to sleep again, I've seen enough,' he stated, eyes not leaving hers.
He kept thinking of what he could do with this girl, her many qualities could be enhanced, and memories locked away, strengths to be granted. She could be a weapon. A weapon strong enough to wipe out armies of the best soldiers. They would be unstoppable.
'Goodnight, Rebecca,' he whispered as they strapped her back onto the bed and upped the drug dose. But his eyes lingered on one thing most of all.
The dent in the wall.

I groaned as I came around again.
'What day is it?' I called out in a voice burned out from fatigue.
'October 11, 2006.'
Surprised, I replied,'I didn't think you would actually tell me.'
'And we thought you might notice you're restrained to the bed.'
At that, my eyes snapped open fully. They were right. Cool, tight metallic shackles held my arms at my sides and strong, thick black straps kept my legs secure. I groaned. Slowly, but surely, the bed tilted me into an artificial standing position, and metal braces latched onto my head.
'What are you doing to me? Why?' my voice rose, panic set in.
A technician, a scientist, a bodyguard and an engineer walked in, pushing a trolley containing some very ominous equipment. What were they going to do to me?
'Relax, this will only take a second,' the scientist said softly.
'What are you doing to me?!' I cried, my eyes widening in panic, arms straining madly at the cuffs.
Sticky gel covered wires attached to my temples and began to faintly glow, my eyes flicking between the two sides, trying to make out some sense.
'No, no, no! Tell me what is going on!' I screamed out, my throat hurting and my cries making no impact at all. I was desperate. They could be killing me, for God's sake.
Glowing softly, the sensors on my temples vibrated. Something violently raked through my memories, making me wince and double over, but my restraints held me ever tighter.
My eyes flicked open wide, my breathing deep and slow.

And that was all I remembered for what felt like eternity. The four walls. And the pain.

Everything else was gone.

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