Chapter 7

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Morning light glittered through the shades and Kate yawned as she opened her eyes, stretching. She stopped suddenly, feeling an arm tighten around her middle. Smiling lazily, Kate turned in his arms and studied the sleeping face before her. Rick face was completely relaxed, a small smile playing on his lips, lips still somewhat swollen from the adventures last night. She felt a blush spread across her cheeks as memories of his hands exploring her body flashed before her eyes. She closed them to see the pictures better and snuggled into Rick’s chest, relishing in the scent of him. He was amazing. Every. Part. Of. Him. And he was good. Oh so very good. A shiver ran through her and Kate couldn’t help but reach up and stroke his chin, letting her hand trail down to his chest. Another smile stole over her face. Yes, the sex was incredible. But what astounded her was not that fact. The innuendoes over the years, the sultry promises, the stolen glances, and let’s face it, the heart-pounding, tension-building eye sex, had all led to this moment. And they hadn’t disappointed. No, what astounded her was how very right it all felt. Kate Beckett was lying in Richard Castle’s arms, and my God, the feelings that evoked within her. Kate bit her lip, wanting so badly to say the words she couldn’t. But it wasn’t time, not yet. Kate pushed past the fear that always came when she felt herself wanting to give herself to a relationship, knowing that it was more than fear that held her back this time. No, there were some things Rick needed to know, a story she needed to tell him. And until that time came, she just hoped he could read in her eyes that which she desired above all for him to know. I love you.

Kate was still gazing at his face, fingers tracing patterns on his chest when he awoke with a sigh. Eyes opening slowly, Rick silently took in the sight of her watching him before a huge smile crinkled his features. “Good morning, beautiful,” he told her softly, his eyes saying more than his words.

Kate felt a smile of her own return his. “Good morning,” she replied. Then she tilted her head up and gave him a swift kiss.

 “What time is it?” He asked after she pulled away.

Kate shrugged. “Sunlight time?” She laughed. “I haven’t looked at the clock yet.”

“Now who’s creepily watching whom?” Rick replied with a sly grin, lifting an eyebrow.

Kate only grinned before placing both hands to the side of his face and pulling him in for another kiss. Rick happily obliged and they were both savoring the moment of their new-found bliss when Kate’s phone alarm started blaring out in the hall. Rick groaned into her mouth and Kate laughed.

 “Well now we know what time it is,” she murmured, kissing him swiftly before dashing out of bed to turn of the alarm, throwing his robe on on her way. She returned a moment later, their disregarded clothes under one arm, and wagging her phone at him with the other. “It’s 7:30,” she said with a smile.

 “Nuh uh, too early,” Rick mumbled from the bed. “Come back to bed.”

Unable to suppress a smile at his sleepy talk, Kate slipped out of the robe and cuddled in next to him again. “I have to go to work,” she sighed a moment later.

 “Play hookey,” he murmured into her hair.

 “Mmmmm, as good as that sounds, I can’t. There’s something I want to do before I go into work.”

 “We both had a rough day yesterday, Kate,” he said, suddenly serious and pulling her eyes up to his, “I’m sure the Captain would give you the day off if you asked. And then you could spend the day here. With me.” His words were innocent, but his eyes suddenly glittered and darkened with passion and longing.

Unsuccessfully trying to ignore the fire suddenly burning through her, Kate give him a look that clearly said And when have I ever asked for a day off? Rick just grinned at her. Point taken, he seemed to say. Kate shook her head ruefully. “That may be, but there’s still something I need to do today.”

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