Chapter 7

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We all eat dinner, my parents being my parents thought it was a great idea to drink. This means everyone was drunk but me, Hobi and Jungkook. We looked around and laughed a little at that the sight of Seven adults drunk on the floor, I left my spot next to Hobi and walked to a closet, I pulled out pillows and blankets before putting blankets over the seven, While the boys put Pillows under their head. I pulled the two in for a group photo with all the sleepy head's, we were totally going to show this to the other's tomorrow.  Jungkook took a pillow and made his choice to sleep on the sofa, to make sure no one dies during the night, Hobi and I want to my room to talk without waking anyone up.

I sat In my hanging chair while Hobi sat on the bed " I didn't think they would actually drink that much" Hobi said letting out a little laugh which caused me to laugh a little too. I couldn't help but look at him In the minimal amount of light coming from my lamp. He was truly beautiful and I can't figure out how I made this amazing person fall In love with me, " Hobi " I felt incredibly shy when I said it because this is the first time I have ever had a boy in my room.

He didn't answer me, Just looked around before looking at me " This is my first time " he spoke so softly but In my mind, I freaking out  " What " I said shocked " Being in a girls room, What did you think I meant ". I instantly flushed a bright shade of red " Nononono I didn't mean that " he said Jumping up and acting embarrassed " I should have been more straightforward with what I meant", I ran into his chest to hide my embarrassed face when I heard a phone ping. I backed away from Hobi to check if it was my phone but it wasn't, I looked at Hobi who had a blank expression as he looked at his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. 

I looked him in the eye and I could see his eye was getting teary but he was fighting it with all his might, I didn't want to push him but I just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed Kicking my shoe's off in the process. Hobi didn't fight it but did the same, he laid next to me " Hobi are you okay? " I asked with so much caution but he just looked at me " May I cuddle you? " He asked with a little smile, I didn't say anything instead I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

The feeling of being his arms felt secure and comforting, I began to feel my eyes getting heavy " Hobi, If I fall Please don't let me fall alone" I managed to say before melting away into slumber " I'm sorry, there is something I must do first" I heard and felt a kiss on my head, I had fallen asleep to the sound of Jung Hoseok's heart.

When I woke up, I woke up alone. I looked around the room to not find a trace of Hobi, I ran out of the room and down the stairs to see Everyone sat at the table eating breakfast, everyone but Hobi. Everyone was looking at me like I had gone crazy " Morning Ellie, You're finally awake" My mother said " Where Hob.. Hoseok" I asked her she smiled at me sweetly " He left about an Hour ago, Said he had a meeting to go to," Namjoon said, " He said he would Ring you tonight" I nodded before sitting down at the table and grabbing myself a pancake when I noticed Jimin giggling " Am i missing something, What's so funny " then Jimin shoved his phone in my face and my hair was a true mess but I made me laugh so hard. I ended up just combing it back into a bobble before eating my pancake, " Anyway Thank you for looking after us all last night Ellie " My father said I looked at him " Jungkook was telling us that you got blankets out for everyone and pillows " I shrugged " It was Nothing, But much better then the three of us trying to drag you to bed " I let out a little laugh. 

" You all pulled some beautiful faces last night " I let out a giggle pulling out my phone and showing my dad the selfie that the three of us took.

JHope P.O.V

Why would this happen now, I was doing great in my career and I met a sweet yet beautiful girl. I walked to the Cafe that I was told to meet at. I took a good look at the outside before walking in and there they were, Smiling and acting like they never did anything towards me. 

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