Ça C'est Moi [20 Facts Challenge Tag Thing]

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I was tagged for something! That feeling is weird!

Anyhoooo I shall gets this over with!

1.] I'm short, as in, short.

2.] My entire desktop Wattpad page [except for the stories, books, messages, comments--things people do] is in Russian, which might explain why you might get email notifications from me in Russian--if you do.

3.]To add on to the above ^ I is learning Russian [among two other languages].

4.] I really, really like lame puns. Like, "I changed my iPod name to Titanic. It's syncing now."

5.] Kinda wanna be in the Air Force for a good, decent military or at least be a commercial pilot. I can't really choose between both as of current. Something that involves flying planes.

6.] Cookie dough ice cream, my friends. Sambusas are my friends. Oh yeah, and good well rounded people.

7.] don't care about hijabi fashion [family, I am so sorry]. I don't even like saying hijabi, that to me is actually uncomfortable for me to say. But yeah, you know those pictures of those really fashionable girls in hijab ma sha Allah bringing a new face to fashion? I'm about that abaya over pajamas life. It's functional.

8.] I like public speaking & debates & discussions whether it's between strangers or people I know well.

9.] I really like heights. The higher up on a roller coaster, building, tower- the better.

10.] I have an adoration for rain and thunderstorms and cold days and cloudy days and foggy misty days. I don't like it much when it's sunny and warm.

11.] I like parkour and [attempting] martial arts because the adrenaline rush and the little scenarios I make in my mind of me actually needing to use parkour.

12.] I reaaaaaaaaaaaally wanna go sky diving one day. One day in sha Allah => oh oh and to ride a motorcycle and hang-glide and surf and cliff climb or just something that makes me step out of ze ol' comfort zone.

13.] I really really do not like wrap-around hijabs; they are just so annoying to deal with. I wear my hijab by taking this big square scarf, folding it into a triangle and pinning it on. It covers, it's straight and not anNOYIGN. Alhamdulilah =D

14.] even before the alphabet came into math I still wasn't good at it. Yeah, not kidding I had to stay behind a little bit to get the hang of two digit subtraction in 4th grade [so when I was 9 or 10- or 8 I think?]

15.] Nouman Ali Khan is one of my favorite speakers of all time ma sha Allah.

16.] I like science & history & geography & world languages. Math remains unloved.

17.] I talk fast. Like, really fast. I have to repeat myself a lot when talking to people. I stutter because I connect like three words at a time so it sounds like "ta-ta-ta" and it's not that great because if I'm giving a speech or something I'd probably sound like, "Well yeah, but their policies ta-ta-ta-ta- which don't mirror that of a functional society."

18.] I prefer tea over coffee. Yo even if I still add like half an entire bowl of sugar it'll still taste horrible. I tried. Bless tea because there's kinds that can make you tired or just be there to keep you up and warm. Bitter bean water...ack >.<

19.] I am not good at talking to people over private messaging or chatting or whatever because it's the internet probably. Like, I respond late, or I forget of if I do respond it's just an apology and the message. I guess I dunno I just prefer face to face in real life. So if I talk to someone over PM I'm worried I get boring >.< so yes, heads up everyone I AM NO GOOD WITH RESPONDING OVER PRIVATE MESSAGE CONVERSATIONS or talking on the phone or Skyping. Wow.

20.] I is a Muslim! Alhamdulilah!


So yeah there are my 20 facts about me that probably bored you beyond reason! Tags are in the comments?


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