We Found Love Right Where We Are (Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin)

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Hi Sophanators! 

I finally got another one shot written! This one is a cute, fluffy Lashton one shot :) I got asked to do this a while ago, I don't remember who asked but whoever you are, I hope this is what you were looking for. I hope you all like this. Don't forget to comment, vote, and fan! :)

Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Malfoy xxxxxx


We Found Love Right Where We Are

Lashton Oneshot

The boys were in England to record for their second album. They had spent so much time at the studio recently that they hadn't had a break. Ashton was tired of it. Sometimes he just wanted to spend some one on one time with his boyfriend.

As the boys sat around for lunch, Ashton looked over at Luke. "Hey, babe?" he asked across the table. Luke perked up and looked at Ashton, smiling happily. "Yeah?" Luke asked.

"Do you want to go out on a date tonight?" Ashton asked, already formulating a plan for what he wanted to do. A huge grin crossed Luke's face. "I'd love to Ashy," Luke said.

"Oh good, we can get a break from the lovebirds for two minutes," Calum joked. "Oh shut up," Ashton shot, elbowing Calum in the ribs. "Where are we going?" Luke asked, directing the question at Ashton.

"It's a surprise, love. You'll see," Ashton replied, sending Luke a wink. Smiling, Luke got up and walked over to Ashton. He crouched down so he was level with Ashton and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

"I love you," Luke said simply. "I love you too," Ashton said, beaming. Ashton sipped his arms around Luke's waist and pulled him into his lap. "I prefer when you sit with me, anyway," Ashton supplied in explanation to his actions. Luke just shrugged and leaned back into Ashton's hold.

The boys continued to talk, throwing out ideas for song lyrics or song titles. After a while, Ashton decided they should leave if they wanted to get to where he wanted at a reasonable time.

"Go get ready," Ashton, whispered in Luke's ear. Luke nodded and slipped out of Ashton's lap. "Sorry to cut this album discussion short, but Luke and I are going to head out now."

"Have fun! Not too much fun. On second thought, go have all the fun you want, that saves you having fun here, where we can hear you!" Michael yelled. Ashton just laughed, flipping Michael off as he grabbed a set of car keys. They wouldn't be going far, so it wasn't necessary to get a driver to drive them.

Luke met Ashton at the door, flashing him a smile. As soon as they walked out of the front door, Luke pushed Ashton up against the wall and kissed him passionately. "Thank you, for taking me on this date," he mumbled against Ashton's lips.

Laughing, Ashton kissed him back. "We haven't even left yet. You might hate it," he teased. "I won't. As long as I am with my wonderful boyfriend, I know it's going to be good," Luke replied.

Linking their hands together, Ashton led Luke to the car. He opened the door for Luke, earning a kiss on the jaw from Luke as he got in the car. Quickly making his way to the drivers’ side, Ashton got in and they were off.

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