Carter Edwards moves to Florida and runs into Quincy Brown at Disney World with his sisters and it just goes both up and downhill from there. Just read and you'll see what happens... the book won't be NEARLY as bad as this description
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Carter POV
I walked in and Josephine was sleep in her chair. She left the lamp on. I would turn it off, but I don't want to risk waking her up. The lamp isn't worth the price. I slowly crept upstairs and went to my room. I kicked off my shoes, got in my bed and started lurking on Jordan Fisher's instagram. The things I'd do to him... but anyways I fell asleep doing that.
{3 hours later}
Suddenly, I'm awaken by the powerful burning feeling on my forehead. Then I saw someone standing over me. "Get up!!" Ugh it's Josephine and her annoying voice... again. Wait... Josephine??? My eyes widened in horror and my mouth opened in shock, as the burning sensation on my forehead only grew stronger.
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"What the heck Josephine?"
"Watch your mouth! Heck is a substitute for hell!" Next thing you know, I felt a painful slap across my face. My nose is dripping with blood and staining my bed sheets. That's it. I'm so done taking her crap and she's about to catch these hands. I don't even care about further consequences anymore. I started rapidly punching her in the face until she starts screaming the highest pitch possible. Oh god... now I hear footsteps and it's probably my dad.
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Derrick Williams(Dad)
"What is going on in here? Carter! Get off of her now!"
I ignored him because this witch deserved everything that is coming to her.
"Carter! I ain't gonna tell you not one more time!"
I decided to let it go because when he says that in THAT way, it means all hell is about to break loose!
"Rick! You better handle her before I do!" I know she did not just say she was going to handle me...
"Oh really? You don't remember what happened when you tried to handle me a few minutes ago? Would you like me to refresh your memory?" My dad cut us off.
"Stop! No, No, no! We are not going back down this lane! Joyce, please leave so I can talk to my daughter in private."
"Yeah. Whatever" Yeah, you better listen. I really can't stand to be around her. She makes my blood boil. Why did my dad choose to marry her! I mean, of ALL people. My dad is 47 and she is 26. I'm 17! First off, she is young enough to be my sister if you think about it. I know my mom is witnessing this right now and she is both rolling and turning in her grave! He keeps repeating yourself name over and over but I'm not in the mood to speak to him right now. All of this is his fault.
"What? What is it? Let me guess... you want to give me a rundown on why I should respect that woman! She is not my mother, a respectable authority figure, or even a decent person! She is the finest piece of trash there is! She calls me out of my name, abuses me, and she even sent me to the deli to get her cigarettes"
"You will not lie on Josephine like this! You don't have to like her but you do not have to make up stories. I understand that she is not and never will be your mother, but that gives you no right to disrespect her. She is your stepmother and-"
"Extra emphasis on 'step'."
"Carter! Just listen!"
"I'm tired of listening!"
"Oh really? Then pack your things and get out! Wait no... I bought everything you own! Leave my shit and go!
I can't believe he is choosing that trash over me. If he wants to have it this way, so be it. —————— Please vote and comment!! 🍫🥰