Carter Edwards moves to Florida and runs into Quincy Brown at Disney World with his sisters and it just goes both up and downhill from there. Just read and you'll see what happens... the book won't be NEARLY as bad as this description
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Carter POV
I can not believe he just kicked me out. He's choosing that trash over me. I'm lying about abuse?? Is there not a burn mark on my forehead? I can't believe him. This is beyond sickening. I'm taking some of MY things and leaving. I grabbed four outfits, some toiletries, two pairs of sneakers, feminine hygiene products, my phone charger, my portable charger, my passport, and my savings jar. $3,069 in total! I knew this would pay off. As I'm going downstairs, I notice my my father's credit card on Josephine's table and I take it. I think I am finally ready to go. I grab two of my hoodies. I put one on and put the other in my suitcase. I leave out of the house and honestly I don't know where to go. It's 10pm and I don't really have any friends because I never saw the point... up until now. Maybe I can stay at a hotel. It really would mean going back home and to steal my dad's car and I don't think it's worth the hassle.
"Carter? Carter Edwards?"
Oh hell naw. It's some creepy weirdo. I do not have the time for this. Not today Satan.
"Carter! Wait up!"
I'll wait. This guy just better not be a weirdo.
"Carter. What are you doing out here?"
Oh thank god. It's just Brandon.
"My dad kind of kicked me out."
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"Kind of kicked you out? Are you out or in?"
"I'm out. I'm stressed out. I have nowhere to go. I am freaking out!l."
"You don't seem like you're freaking out."
"Well I am!!"
"Okay, okay. My fault, you're freaking out. Geez".
"Yes, your fault. Now what are you doing out here at this hour."
"Handling my business. Where do you plan on going tonight?"
"I honestly do not know."
"Okay. Come with me."
I really don't know if I should follow him, but I'm going to. It's not like I have any other plans. If he kills me, at least I won't have to find some place to crash. I think we're approaching his car... okay we are most certainly approaching his car because he has the keys... unless he stole it... nahh. He unlocks it and slowly jogs to the passenger seat.
"Hop in!" Yeah I don't think is safe to get in his car.
"Come on. I'm not going to murder you or anything. Do I seem like a murderer to you?"
"It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for."
"Haha very funny. Get. In. The. Car."
"Fine." After I'm in, he puts my suitcase in the trunk and hops into the driver's seat. "Where are we going?"
"My place"
"Okay, where do you live?"
"Next to my neighbors." DUDE.
"Where is that?"
"Next to me." This fool said it with the wildest smirk on his face.
"You'll see" He's not funny... Okay he's kind of funny and cute but this is besides the point. He's laughing and wheezing at his own jokes. I don't care at this point because I'm still sleepy. Good night moon.