Carter Edwards moves to Florida and runs into Quincy Brown at Disney World with his sisters and it just goes both up and downhill from there. Just read and you'll see what happens... the book won't be NEARLY as bad as this description
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"Well, here we are."
We are in the suburbs and it's a quiet area. He just got my suitcase from the trunk and now he's coming to open my door, which I can do by myself by the way.
"I know how to open my own doors."
"Can you just let a gentleman do his thing. Jesus Carter."
"Okay, I guess so."
"Okay then. Follow me!"
As I enter his house, I was in awe. It looked pretty darn amazing. In fact, this was my dream penthouse in New York, when I get there. It was well lit. His parents are either workaholics or drug lords.
"You can have my room if you want. I'll sleep in the guest bedroom"
That completely took me out of my daze. I am low-key anticipating seeing his room.
"No, it's okay. I'll take the guest bedroom."
"My room has a bathroom, a 60-inch tv, and a mini fridge."
Yes. We are totally seeing his room now.
"Okay deal! Are your parents okay with this?"
He keeps leading the way to his room as if I didn't say anything.
"Okay deal! Are your parents okay with this?"
Nothing again. This dude-
"Okay deal! Are your par-"
"Goodnight Carter. If you need anything, I'm across the hall."
"Okay. Goodnight."
This kid is weird but he's letting me crash at his house so he's most certainly not the worst. I don't know why he didn't answer the question and why he gets so defensive but it's whatever. I'm just going to go to sleep.
[2 hours later]
I cannot go to sleep and I have too much on my mind. I really am trying to avoid bothering Brandon.
[1 hour later]
It's like 2:30 in the morning and he did say I could go to him if I needed anything and he's only across the hall. I'm going to do this. As I go for the door. I finally start to take in the room. It's pretty neat for a guy. The walls are painted black and sad but it compliments the tone of the room. Maybe I should change my outfit. I am only wearing underwear, a bra, and a t-shirt. Maybe pants would be a good idea. Oh crap I hear footsteps. I gotta hop back in bed.
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"What's going on Carter?"
"There's obviously something. You've been pacing around for the last three hours."
"You heard me?"
"Yes I heard you. Why didn't you come see me?"
"I didn't want to disturb your rest. I'm sorry."
"No. It's okay, I'm a light sleeper. What's bothering you?"
"This whole situation. Why is he choosing her over me?"
In this moment, I ended up telling Brandon everything from birth to now.
[ 1.5 hours later ] "Wow"
"Sorry if it's a little bit too much. I have a habit of getting deep."
Suddenly, he pulls me into a tight hug. It's not suffocating, but it is right enough to get the point across. I decide to hug him back.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."
"Thank you, but you didn't do anything."
I swear we've been hugging for about forever and the silence is killing me.
"Strung out."
"What Brandon?"
"My parents. They're drug addicts and they don't live here."
"I'm sorry."
I don't know what came over me but I started sobbing.
"Shhh. It's okay."
"If you live here, why do you go to the same high school as me?"
"I take proper precautions to make sure I go to school near my brother, so I can see him more often."
"Who does your brother live with?"
"His foster family. They aren't as bad as the last one."
"How do you afford to live here?"
"I work at Starbucks and I deal"
I knew someone was affiliated with drugs in this camp!
"Does this scare you."
"Brandon, you're the least scary thing on earth. I promise."
"I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me."
"How do you know that? We talked for the first time not even 24 hours. It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for."
He used my line.
"That sounds familiar."
"I know right. I wonder where I got that from."
I start cackling like an old witch, but the laughter gradually turns into a yawn.
"The sun is rising."
"Yeah.Its beautiful"
"Yeah. Like you."
I didn't hear what he said because I was slowly drifting off. He's a nice guy.