Chapter XV

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To say I was terrified was an understatement.

Stephen exuberated a strange air of dangerousness that put my instincts on high alert. Every sane part of my body ordered me to get away from him as quickly as possible. His very presence put me on edge, yet, I could not seem to find the strength to look away from his face, to turn from those icy eyes. They flashed, holding nothing but images of death.

Celine's death. Possibly my death.

I let out a quiet whimper.

"That is enough, Stephen," the prince said harshly, placing an arm in front of me and pushing me farther behind him. I peered over his shoulder, still captivated and frightened of the vampire in front of him.

"What is, dear cousin?" Stephen asked sweetly, turning to look at Prince Michael. His face seemed to naturally reject all expressions that could be considered kind. Though his voice was innocent enough, the predatory spark in his eyes betrayed his façade.

"Do not think that I am impervious to your intentions," Prince Michael said, his voice low with suspicion. "I know what you are thinking."

"And when have you acquired the ability to read my thoughts?" Stephen gave him a smirk of superiority.

"Perhaps at the exact moment when you acquired the ability to murder senselessly," he retorted coldly.

"Perhaps," Stephen echoed, his smile fading. His eyes then drifted back to me. They flashed darkly. The unnerving sparkle could not be described as the sun hitting the surface of water or of crystal twinkling in the light; rather, it resembled the sparks shooting out of a scorching fire, the way razor-sharp shards of glass shimmered when broken. "I merely wish to be reacquainted. Why Amanda, my dear. It has been too long. What a wonderful woman you seem to have become."

Following Stephen's eyes, the prince pushed me even further behind him. "You cannot have her."

"No?" Stephen pouted. "Pity. I am sure she would have tasted divine."

"Stephen..." the prince growled warningly.

"You surprise me, cousin." Stephen suddenly looked uninterested. "I always held you in higher esteem. I never suspected that you would stoop as low as to become enamored by a human. I suppose I was foolish to shut my mind to the possibility, after all. You always were weak." He paused before thoughtfully saying, "You disappoint me." He turned around and looked over his shoulder. "You have nothing to fret about. I will not touch your little human. Though she is nice to look at, she is filthy, and now, so are you." Facing away from us, he began to walk. "I must pay Uncle Valerius a visit." And with that, he was gone.


The minute we walked into the dining hall I noticed two things.

One: my father and the prince's father were glaring at each other.

Two: Alexandra's chair and Stephen's chair were extremely close together.

The prince and I exchanged wary glances.

"You both are late!" King Valerius boomed, bringing his fist down onto the table with a loud bang. The dishes and silverware jumped, clanging angrily. My mother and father jumped and Alexandra let out a small squeal, but Stephen and the prince were unfazed. I thought I saw Queen Esperia wince slightly, but the impassive look on her flawless face convinced me that I was just imagining things.

"We are actually just on time, Father," the prince said smoothly, hinting for him to look at the clock. Ignoring the king's scowl, he pulled out a chair for me and motioned for me to sit down. He then pulled out a chair next to mine for himself.

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