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Something bright was strewn across my eyes. I lifted my arm, which seemed heavier than normal, and tried to bat the bright object away. I heard soft laughter as a warm hand wound its fingers gently around my wrist, moving it away from my face.

"You cannot move light," the voice said gently.

I opened my eyes and found myself looking at Prince Michael's own bright blue ones.

"What happened?" I asked, not recalling much. Flashes of running down a road, the sound of hooves, a fight, and blood went through my mind. I tried to sit up, a feat that proved to be rather difficult. He helped me up and I leaned against the headboard. I looked around, finding myself to be back in my old room.

"Stephen tried to… capture you," the prince said, his eyes darkening briefly at the memory. "Then, I fought him. And when I was distracted, he stabbed me with his sword." He pointed to his heart.

"Are you alright?" I asked, not remember what happened after that.

"Yes," he smiled, and I was left breathless by the sight of it. "Thanks to you. You let me drink your blood and it healed me."

"That explains the headache," I said, a flood of memories and emotions coming back. I smiled up at him. "I'm glad you're alright."

"I am glad you are alright," he responded. "When I found that both Stephen and you were missing, I panicked. I called off the entire ball and sent people to look for you. After a while… I assumed the worst." He pressed his lips into a thin line. "You do not know how relieved I was when I found you, though I was horrified to see Stephen's lips pressed to your neck. Fortunately, I pushed you out of the way before—before he could…" He trailed off, visibly shaking with sudden anger.

"You still shouldn't have fought over me with Stephen. It was stupid," I finally said.

"It was rather foolish of me," he said thoughtfully, his voice almost distant.

Wanting to stand up, I threw open the sheets that were covering me and looked down, seeing that I was still covered in blood. My stomach flipped and I looked at the prince.

"Um… do you mind if… I go get cleaned up?" I asked, blushing in embarrassment.

"Not at all," he responded, helping me out of bed. When I teetered slightly, he steadied me. "A dress is in the bathroom for you."

"Thank you," I said, smiling gratefully. I hesitated before turning around.

"I will be waiting," he assured me.

I smiled again and nodded, slowly walking to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me. The coolness of the stone against my feet was oddly comforting as I walked over to the bathtub. I took off my bloodied dress and turned on the water, willing it to heat up faster. I bathed quickly, remembering that he was waiting for me outside. After draining the tub and wrapping myself in a towel. I looked around for my dress. I finally saw it draped over the sink and I smiled at its color. Gold. My favorite. I slipped it on and towel dried my hair as best as I could, brushing it out with a silver-handled brush that I found in the bathroom. When I was done, I threw open the door eagerly. I was disappointed to find that he wasn't in the room. However, I found that a folded up piece of paper was on the table besides my bed. I walked over to it, took it, and unfolded it, seeing the prince's familiar elegant handwriting.

Meet me in the garden.


I could have laughed, remembering how unwilling I was meet him in the garden the first time I got the exact same message. Abbie had to convince me to go, and yet, I was still reluctant to. Now, I was more than eager to go.

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