Chapter Two: Dippy the Diplodocus, Cupid, and Will

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In this part of the story it's from Will's perspective and takes place at the museum while Ed's off on his adventures to find Ella- flashback basically. 

Will seldom made stupid decisions. Today was a rare occasion and he'd made one. He'd volunteered to stay behind while Ed and the rest of them went off to find Small Sam's sister. What was her name? Ellie? Elma? Ella. That was it. 

     He supposed his decision most likely had some logic backing it up. After all, most of the others on the trip were important. Trinity, for example. Will liked to think that he made the right decision, but really now. He was equally helpful as a fighter than as a nerd and out there made good choices. He was smart, too, and good with a crossbow. His vision was excellent and in something searching for someone or something, he was the guy to bring along. But Ed had trusted him and Will was persuasive, so naturally, Ed had let him stay. Will wasn't staying because he was scared of out there. If anything, he was a little curious. But the reason he was staying was Achilleus. 

    Achilleus was a good fighter, as far as he could tell. He'd seen him in the crowd- cute, handsome, even with his scars and battered face. But that wasn't quite it, what made him... curious. Intrigued. Feeling dizzy a bit inside. Achilleus had a slightly arrogant expression, and during the meeting, he'd made snarky comments. It had annoyed Will, seeing him have a go at Ed, but still. He liked Achilleus, even though he was a huge pain. Why, though? A voice in the back of his mind nagged. He was like this- never able to put down a thought until he'd thought it through. Find a logical explanation. So why did he? Well... Achilleus was tough. Will both admired that and found himself extremely attracted to it. Achilleus was sarcastic, mean at times with his unnecessary and badly timed comments, but Will found that somewhat funny and sensed something else there. Either that or he was just like this. Also, Achilleus was just plain awesome. A hero, celebrated, known. Not to mention how cute he was. Will had tried not to smile whenever Achilleus paraded around. It was just so adorable he couldn't help himself. Imagine how Achilleus would react about that. Not well, most likely. 

    Well, it didn't matter much anymore. They were gone now and he was left sitting in the museum, bored out of his mind and his only companion at the moment Dippy the Diplodocus, the dinosaur fossil. He remembered with a dull feeling the Imperial War Museum, way back when. Back then a lot more people were still alive. Don't think about that. It's over. You couldn't have done anything, Will. Stop. Thinking. About. It. So Will's mind wandered instead to the museum. It was pretty impressive, actually. Well-enough defended he supposed, and the kids were working things out well. Even better with the Holloway kids around, he'd heard. Apparently the Holloway kids, Achilleus included, had arrived only a day or two before they had, and helped wipe out some attacking sickos. Achilleus, according to Maxie, had passed out during a battle due to some injuries before. Will hoped they hadn't hurt. At the moment Achilleus wasn't at the museum, and Will was having some quiet time to sort out his feelings and thoughts. But at the time his train of thought kept going back to Achilleus station. He was slightly annoyed by this but at the same time not at all. In the day or so he'd spent here, he was already crushing on a mean, tough, really handsome and cool guy he barely knew. And he couldn't stop. 

    I really hope Achilleus comes back alright, Will thought, then caught himself. He shook the thoughts of Achilleus out of his head. Sitting still wasn't helping. He decided he'd explore the museum some, get to know the place he'd be staying at for apparently a while. He walked around a bit, relaxing at the familiar signs and exhibits. Things he could explain. He liked poetry better, literature, but science and such was just as good. He thought of stopping by the library he'd heard about later. As he wandered around, he thought of something randomly. Cupid. That one Roman guy from myth. Cupid's arrows, as the myth went, caused you to either fall in love or hate a person horribly, or something along those lines. Will suspected whatever arrow Cupid had hit him with was a mixture of both. Before all this, he'd not really thought that Cupid had been real. If it had been, okay, but as far as he was concerned it most likely wasn't. Now, though, Cupid could be very much real as far as Will knew. If adults could turn into bloodthirsty, mindless beings than probably anything was possible. Will wouldn't be very surprised if he suddenly sprouted wings like an angel. Hopefully, nobody soon would be turning into one of those, especially Achilleus. 

    There I go again. Back at Achilleus, he thought, angry at himself but also feeling quite calm thinking of Achilleus. He rubbed his forehead, feeling a sort of love for Achilleus and still a sort of strong annoyance. Just pick already, he found himself thinking. This was really getting to be a pain. He sighed heavily and moved on to the next exhibit, hoping that both Achilleus would get back soon unharmed and that he wouldn't have to think about him again. It was confusing- really liking somebody and at the same time never wanting to see their face and being highly annoyed by them. It was also frustrating. It was exhausting. This was why he tried not to develop feelings for other people. They were not helpful, especially at times like this. They ripped his brain into pieces, sending him jumbled up and distracted, not thinking clearly. Instead, he was off on Cloud Nine, Cupid poking holes in him with both his arrows. He seethed, frustrated. He couldn't wait to get out of this museum. 

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