Chapter Three: Thou Shall Shut Up, Methinks I am Fine

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In this part, it's from Akkie's perspective and is about Will visiting him for a short time before or at least trying to when he was shut up in his room. Flashback, again. Poem "Forgiveness" by John Greenleaf Whittier. 

Achilleus was not 'pleased' with anything. Jordan Horden in particular, the arrogant snob who thought he could just rob people of their dogs. He'd gotten that dog for Paddy, not for stuck-up, bossy guys like Jordan Horden. Achilleus wondered why he'd ever voted for him. Maybe partly because it seemed like a good decision at the time. Also because David's King Jerk. And also because Will liked it. Achilleus liked Will. 'Cause he was smart. And cool. And calm. All the things Achilleus liked, for whatever reason. And he sort of let off this cool guy vibe and yet at the same time the Thinker dude vibe, that nerd who was always thinking, thinking, thinking. It was a strange yet nice combination. And, and, and... 

     But thinking of the Tower Kids, like Will was, made him think of Jordan. Jordan Horden. Stupid name. He hated how everyone called him a 'general' and loved saying his name. Achilleus slouched in his chair, anger brewing inside of him. Jordan had no right at all to do anything like that. It had been Paddy's dog. Achilleus had given it to Paddy because he needed it, not like Jordan Horden who just wanted a puppy to lug around. The Bully. He wouldn't give it back, was a stonehearted troll most likely. Didn't care about Paddy or Achilleus? Well, then. Achilleus didn't give a thought as to what would happen to Jordan Horden. He could get devoured by sickos for all he cared. In fact, let him! Let all of them! They didn't respect him, so why should he help them? If they thought that they could just push him around, see how they liked it out there without him. Push me once and I push you five times five times harder, Achilleus thought, sneering. This room was his now, no longer Justin the nerd's. He only had it because he'd kicked Justin out. Not because they respected him enough to give him one. So be it, then. Good-bye and good riddance, Jordan Horden. 

     Five hours later and Achilleus was still mad. He was seething, really. Still imagining different ways to inflict pain on Jordan Horden. He wasn't going to bend down again, go running back to  'em wailing that he was sorry, oh, he wished he was nicer. Because he didn't. Not that they would care anyway. Nobody messed with him, not unless they wanted to die. He thought back in a rage, as he swept things off the desk, to his fight with Just John. Seemed ages ago. I don't want to die, Just John had said. Who does? Achilleus had replied. Just John had rubbed Achilleus the wrong way, and now he was dead. Let that be a lesson to Jordan Horden and all his filthy supporters, calling him a general and falling down at his feet. Yeah, right. Bully and ignorant, stuck-up pig more like it. 

    All this fuss over a dog? He'd heard the murmurs, especially as kids passed by his door. But it wasn't just that. It was his pride, Paddy, himself being hurt by it. They probably wouldn't understand. All this fuss over a dog? He remembered back to when he was a little shrimp, six or so, and he'd seen a dog in a park. Mangy animal it was, scrawny and a sorry sight, fur matted and flesh sticking to its bones. He'd wanted to come over, in fact, had and fed it the last of his sandwich, but then his mom had come and made him stop, saying, oh, it could have rabies or some disease. It's a filthy animal after all, she'd fussed. He'd struggled, crying, throwing a right temper tantrum the whole way home. He remembered her exasperated sigh he knew so well, and then she'd said, "All this fuss over a dog?" he'd never seen the dog again. Wished he'd helped some. But if something his easily forgetful and mostly peaceful five-year-old mind could get into a tantrum about a dog he had no connection to, something personal and his hotheaded, angry self now would be much, much worse. He picked up something off of the desk and hurled it at the wall, where it hit with a dull thunk and fell to the floor. He picked up a mug and was just about to throw it when he heard a knock. He let go of the mug, shattering it to pieces on the floor. "I'm not taking any visitors unless you're here to tell me Jordan Horden's sorry and realized how much of a stuck-up, bossy, snobby pig he is," Achilleus told them. 

    "I'm not here for that. I'm here to ask you if you're doing good. Obviously, this whole Bright Eyes thing means a lot to you and I want to help." it was Will, out of all people. Achilleus took a sharp breath. "Well, I think I'm fine, thanks very much." he wasn't. He just wanted Will to leave him alone. A silence. Achilleus thought he could see Will, eyebrow raised and looking like he really didn't believe him. Maybe he'd gone away? No, he could hear his sigh. His voice was clear, strong. "I'm not gonna fight unless your little general tells me how much of an idiotic bully he's been. So good luck dying, and thanks very much for that so sweet comment about how you're worried about me. I'm just melting, it's so thoughtful," Achilleus snarled, growing impatient. Even Will couldn't calm him down at the moment. Will was silent again and then said quietly, just loud enough for Achilleus to hear, "It's okay. I'll be there for you." 

    "Yeah, well, Mr. Sweetcakes, I don't really need it, if you get my drift. Until your little hero general Jordan Horden apologizes and gives Paddy back his dog, I'm never gonna step outta this museum and fight again. I'm not gonna forgive that wrong. I'm the one who he should be forgiving." 

Then Will did something so nerdy and unexpected: he recited a poem. And Achilleus recognized it, to his surprise. 

"My heart was heavy, for its trust had been

Abused, its kindness answered with foul wrong;

So, turning gloomily from my fellow-men,

One summer Sabbath day I strolled among

The green mounds of the village burial-place;

Where, pondering how all human love and hate

Find one sad level; and how, soon or late,

Wronged and wrongdoer, each with meekened face,

And cold hands folded over a still heart,

Pass the green threshold of our common grave,

Whither all footsteps tend, whence none depart,

Awed for myself, and pitying my race,

Our common sorrow, like a mighty wave,

Swept all my pride away, and trembling I forgave!

-John Greenleaf Whittier," Will finished, and Achilleus was surprised. So Will was one of those nerds? Achilleus found himself liking Will more and so focused again on Jordan Horden's face. Rage again filled him, coursing through his body. "Nice little poem, Poetry Nerd. Fancy language, too. But if you'll excuse me, thou shall shut up. Methinks I am fine. So stumble back to your little corner, please. I'd like some alone time, Lord Byron." 

     He heard Will leave, footsteps shuffling down the hallway. He heard as well Will say something. "If you want to help, please do. It doesn't even have to be for Jordan. It can be for Paddy, or just for the thrill of it. Just... I'll be there if you need me." Achilleus didn't respond. Hoping he'd go away. 

"And by the way, Achilleus-" Will said, and Achilleus could almost see the wry smile on his face- "you really are very frustrating. And I honestly cannot say what a big pain you are, I can't describe it in words. But since I like you so much, I guess I really don't have anyone to blame but myself for not clobbering you yet." 

     Achilleus laughed. "And how do you plan on clobbering me?" he asked, not really registering most of what Will had said. Then, something clicked as he heard Will walk away. But since I like you so much... Achilleus' eyes widened, and he stood up quickly. "Wait, Will-!" but he was already gone. Achilleus cursed under his breath and sat down. No use anymore. He'd be gone already. 

     He felt bad for lashing out, but then again he thought of Jordan Horden and he was mad all over again. The encounter, though, had rather surprised him. So Will liked him. Cared about things like Achilleus' feelings. And he was a nerd. Achilleus, for reasons unknown to himself, had always liked nerds. Then Jordan's face had popped back up into his mind, that calm, piercing gaze that was so superior and haughty. Achilleus flung a stapler at the wall.  

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