Chapter Seven: Dead Friends

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Akkie sat on his cot, looking at the Halo figures, a dull throb in his chest. They'd been recovered over time. They'd been found by people. Some by Shadowman- he'd been alright, Shadow. Was a fairly good guy for seeing his best friend in the whole world die in front of him. Jester'd been a greasy weasel coward, yes, but even he could be loved. Shadowman had found the figures. Had been Paddy's friend. Some had been found by Akkie himself. Some by Will. 

     Akkie had never liked the Halo figures before. Annoyed him somewhat. But not anymore. Now, they were a memory. A reminder. Painful, but necessary. He held one in his hand- Paddy's favorite. He couldn't remember the name if there was one. Never paid attention to that much. Wished he did. Absentmindedly almost, lost in his thoughts and memories, he ran a thumb over the figure's contours. The arm. The face. When Miss Jones rubbed against his leg, he gladly pet her, stroking her soft fur. Reminded him of Skinner. Good old Skinner. He felt something wet on his cheek, brushed it away. Realized it was a tear. A tear. A tear for Skinner, for Paddy, for everyone. Arran. Freak. Deke. Josh, even. Soon, it wasn't just a tear. It was a million. 

     He was crying, body-wracking sobs which made him double over in grief, unable to breathe or talk or see through the blur. He cried out, the pain and the sadness washing over him in a tsunami of his hate, his anger, his mourning. Miss Jones became worried, meowing. This made him cry even harder, collapsing on his knees to the floor, clutching a Halo figure.

     Trembling, his breathing still shaky, he finally stopped. Inhaled, the breath rattling in his throat. Shaking, he clutched close the Halo figure. Miss Jones came and sat in his lap. He stroked her again, closed his eyes, feeling the small tears make their way down his scarred cheeks. He didn't stop them. Just let them be. They were only tears, after all. 


     Akkie's eyes snapped open, and he was suddenly alert. His vision was still a bit blurry, but he wiped an eye quickly and his sight adjusted, and he saw Will. Standing there, worried. Agitated as Miss Jones had been. "Akkie? Are you okay?" 

     "What'do ya think, genius?" he mumbled, wiping a tear away furiously. 

     Shaking his head, Will sank to the floor next to Akkie. Miss Jones went off his lap and scurried away, almost as if she knew it was a private moment. Probably she did. Smart cat, she was. All cats were. 

     "Is it Paddy? Skinner?" Will asked, not sounding fed up as one might, but instead concerned. Knowing how it felt. 

     Akkie nodded, just nodded, looking only at the Halo figure. Afraid he'd cry if he looked anywhere else. 

     Will was quiet again for a few heartbeats, then said, "I know. I miss them too." 

     "Who? Skinner?" 

     Will shrugged. "Yeah. I knew him, but not that well. But what I mean is dead friends." 

     Akkie looked at him then, seeing Will's eyes watering. Will biting his lip so he wouldn't cry. "I had friends. Most of them died. I ended up at the Imperial War Museum at the very start, with Jorden Horden and... some others. I lost a lot of friends along the way. Once my closest friend, a kid named Roger. Recently, though... a girl named Adele. Another named Brayden. Friends that came over here- Britney's crew. Didn't come back. A kid named DogNut, Marco, Felix, Courtney, for starters. They all died. Macca, I found out recently- just a few days ago, actually." he hadn't said anything was Achilleus' astounded thought. He hadn't told anyone this, he had a feeling. Will cleared his throat, a tear tracing its way down his cheek, then went on. "Then, one of my only friends at the Tower, Hayden. Her friends, too, Partha and Kinsey." he stopped then. Either out of names or not wanting to keep going. Achilleus understood. 

     "Sorry. I didn't- I didn't know. I wish I did. I- I love you, Will. Okay? That's why I've been so hard on you and why I was there always and why I'm here right now talking about dead friends. I love you." his voice was barely a whisper on the last part. He'd realized it as he said it. He loved Will. He looked into Will's eyes, soft and welcoming. 

     "It's okay. And Akkie? I love you too," Will said, for once his speech not perfect. He mumbled at some parts and it was through tears and shuddering breaths. 

     Akkie silently, sincerely, put an arm around Will like Will had done a week ago. It turned into a hug. A tight embrace of two sad, grieving boys in love. They stayed like that for a long time. 

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