Chapter 7 Before The War

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A few minutes later, Russia already was back, but he seemed frustrated. "Father, why did you let HIM of all persons out of that cage?" Third got aggressive at that aswell, but didn't say anything.

"Because he's on our side, he's a strong fighter and he's an good ally." Russia tried to respond with something, but was cut off. "Now now, just live with it, if you distrust your allies, they can always leave you behind in the war and just decide to not help you. So if you don't want to die in the first few seconds you'd better trust him."

"Alright, alright, but if he annoys you I can kill him, right?" Sov was shocked, he never noticed how much Russia hated Third.

"No. You can't. Anyways, we need to get you two some better weapons, so follow me." Russia and Third followed Sov to the room next to Sovs room, Russia looked at his father in surprise. "Yes, all these years you couldn't enter this room, it was basically my own room for guns. Are you really surprised at that?"

"Actually, not really. Does kinda make sense, if you think about it." As they entered the room, everywhere on the walls were shelves with guns, some russian, some actually from the soviet union, and sometimes even other countries.

"Remember, only a pistol. You're too young to use more heavy weapons." Russia pointed to an Nagant M1895 pistol. "If you want it, you can have it." and so, Russia took it.

And then, the drama began. Third discovered the corner with the german guns. "How did you get these? Most of them are from the Wehrmacht, there's no way you could get so many of these guns, especially because they're still intact and perfectly fine, seriously how did you get these?"

Sov was just about to answer, till his son started yelling around. "Father, we CAN'T let him have one of his weapons, he knows how to use them perfectly, he could kill US if we don't look out! He's too dangerous and not worth it, just give him a revolver or something, but not something that dangerous!"

"Russia, I understand that you worry, but I trust him. That's all that matters. And Third? No flamethrowers." Third was a little bit dissappointed at that, but he did see the reason. He then saw one of his favourite german guns, the Karabiner 98K and he instantly took it. "That works, I guess. Anyways, most of these weapons are stolen or from dead german soldiers of the Wehrmacht, but all of these guns were cleaned and that stuff, so don't worry."

"Let me guess, some of the soldiers that I send after I broke the contract?" Sov frowned and nodded. "I'm sorry... Wait! I need to get back home, from there I can contact the generals and other important people from the army, so then I can tell them to stop attacking your front!"

Sov was surprised at that, "Wait- really? That would be... well, quite good actually. Then I can tell my armies to stop attacking your front aswell, so that would be a good thing. I can fly you home, if you want. You just need you to tell me where you live, then we can fly there. Russia, you go and guard the basement-"

"WHAT?! NO- I'm coming with you of course! Do you think I'd leave you alone with someone as dangerous as him?!" Russia worried too much about his father, too much to just leave.

Sov was more annoyed at his son than ever, so he just responded with an "Do what I say."


Sov aimed his AK at Russia. "Go. Guard the basement. I won't say it again."

With tears in his eyes, Russia ran to the basement. Third was really surprised because of this. "Wow, didn't expect you to do something like that to your son..."

"Guess I have my ways, don't I?" Third knew these ways just too good. "Now come on, I have an plane ready."

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