Chapter 10 The Plan

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Russia looked at Third. "What kind of plan? I don't think we have much time to make something serious, so that could be a problem. These f*ckers are in our backyard right now, we are hiding in the basement- WOUNDED, and I don't see any way of winning this. They are like 4 or so experienced fighters, while we are just 3 and I am not quite experienced with guns..."

"That's why we need help. I know that I could get America on our side, but Sov would need to help me with that." Just when America got mentioned, Russia had to blush a little bit. Did anyone know that he loved him? Probably not. "That kid's still young, but he knows how to shoot, so that's good. But I know that our enemy will try to get help aswell, and whoever is stupid enough to help them... we could use that and get their strongest enemy to work for us."

Before anything else could be said, they heard an loud noise. It was the sound of the backyard-door being opened by force. Sov then ran up to the basement-door and tried to guard it, but when he saw Holy Roman and Prussia exploring the house, he decided it would be best to stay out of sight for now. He went down again, hugging his AK. "No one yells around now. Let's stay quiet till they find us."

After about 4 hours, they finally heard the door to the basement open, along with the yelling of Holy Roman and Prussia. But they also heard a young male voice whimper here and there, an familiar voice. And then, Belarus and Ukraine went to hide in a corner, while Russia, Third and Sov were facing Holy Roman, Prussia, Ostmark, Kaiser and Poland. The first thing that Third noticed was that Poland seemed to be forced into the whole thing by Ostmark, the second was that Kaiser frowned and had an look of guilt. Holy Roman was the first to talk. "Gebt auf oder stirbt!" (Surrender or die!) Third then aimed at him. "Was? Willst du wirklich deinen eigenen Vater töten?" (What? Do you really want to kill your own father?)

"Nein. Ich will einfach nur das ihr euch verpisst." (No. I just want you to piss off.) Holy Roman then raised his knife in the air, the command for Prussia, Ostmark, Kaiser and Poland to all aim at Third. Russia and Sov also aimed at Holy Roman. "Ich könnte euch ein kleines stück Territorium geben, dann wäre das alles hier friedlich geklärt." (I could give you a little bit of territory, then all of this would be peacefully settled.)

"Nein, Nein. Alles was Ich will ist deine Hilfe." (No, no. All I want is your help.) Third was surprised at that. "Sei mein Verbündeter." (Be my ally.) Third almost instantly put his weapon down, Russia and Sov doing the same. They couldn't understand what was going on, so they just did what Third did. "Wir könnten zusammen die ganze Welt erobern. Ich und Preußen waren zwar nie so gut darin, aber Kaiser und Ostmark haben es ja schonmal fast geschafft. Denk darüber nach." (We could take over the whole world together. Me and Prussia were never good in that, but Kaiser and Ostmark already almost accomplished it once. Think about it.)

And with that, he and his allies started heading out, but before they could do that, Third responded. "Ja, Ich werde darüber nachdenken..." (Yes, I'll think about it...) Holy Roman smirked at that and left with the others.

Russia went to Belarus and Ukraine, trying to calm them down, while Sov decided to ask about the situation. "So, what was that about?" Third didn't respond, just looked at his Karabiner. "Third? Everything alright?"

"We made an compromise. He won't kill anyone." Russia heard that and began talking about how everything would be fine, which really helped Belarus and Ukraine. But Sov already knew it was a lie. Third then looked Sov straight in the eyes. "I'll be gone for a while, talking with him. Alone."

It broke Sovs heart. He couldn't stand this. He knew Third was lying at him. He grabbed Thirds wrist and took him into an random room that was close to the basement. "Listen, I know you're lying. Something's wrong, isn't it?"

Third replied with an monotone "Let me go."

Sov sighed. "Third, I know it's important, you can tell me about it."

Third then got really aggressive. "I SAID LET ME GO!" He ripped his wrist away from Sov and ran away, leaving behind an heartbrocken Sov.

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