The Stars

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Taehyung's POV

I got out of the cab I took to meet Jimin.

I looked down at the invitation.

Rosewater residents....House #189...landmarks are...A Forest?

I blinked twice. A forest. So I had to walk through a forest?

I shrugged and entered the pathway that led towards the darkening horizon which was blazing red since it was almost dusk and the sun looked bloody red. I felt a shiver run down my spine when a cool breeze ruffled my hair and the trees dancing towards where the wind was blowing. I started walking, rubbing my hands since it was cold and I forgot to wear a coat.

It gave an eerie feeling, before I knew, it was already dark when I reached his house. The stars were shining in the sky and moon was full today, it almost looked like a complete picture since nothing was moving and everything was still. No bird, no planes, nothing.

The house's windows were brightly yellow and was the only source of light in the darkness. The house looked lonely, with the moon as its friend.

 I walked towards the door which had a wreath covered with cherries,bright red. Seems like it was changed recently. I felt a feeling of nervousness once I bought my hand towards the door. Not due to the nervousness of meeting someone you want to meet badly, but of entering a place where its impossible to return.

Even so I pushed my thoughts back, took a deep breath and knocked.

At first no one answered. I put out my hand to knock again when the door opened and I heard a voice from inside and purple hair peeking out.

"who is it?"

His face was covered with shadows and I couldn't see his face well except for a tint of purple in his hair.

There was small amount of silence when suddenly.

He let out a small surprised gasp and quickly opened the door completely such that the light from beyond the door hit his face and  I could make out his features. He smiled, showing his dimples. Hair wet at the tips and messy from drying it.

His eyes curved into small gentle curves as he smiled. He was tall and was wearing a grey hoodie with black sweatpants. I widened my eyes and before I could introduce myself.

"You must be Taehyung Right?? Jimin's fan! Come in,Come in! Jimin has told me about you"

He went back a little, making space for me to enter. I bowed before entering and controlled my excitement from meeting the person before me.



Little did I know I fell into the inescapable trap..


Jungkook's POV

I was standing in front of A house wondering what I was doing and how I reached in front of the house.

I stared down at the fan letter given to Jimin, which was written by  a fan named 'Taehyung'.

Something about his letter made me show up in front of his house.

I mentally slapped my face about how stupid I was to come by a fan-who-is-not-MY-fan's house when I was having a busy day, wondering what excuse to give if I met this person.

I heard something vibrating inside my pocket and took out my phone.

"Yah! Jungkook! Do you know you have a fan meeting today?! Where are you now and what are you doing?!"

It was my manager and honestly she is the sweet and kind person who wears glasses and gets coffee for you when work goes well, although when angered she is a completely different person, yelling and hair messy and the only words that slip from her mouth will be curses.

Before I could hear her cursing I quickly told her I was meeting my mom who wasn't keeping well and would reach in 20 minutes and she then she cut off. I sighed.

I entered the so-called 'Taehyung's house' and knocked the door.

I was greeted by a woman who was almost around her 40s and she turned out to be his mom.

I bowed and introduced myself.

"Omo-omo! So you must be Taehyung's friend! What brings you here? I can pass on the message when Taehyung comes back home."

"May I ask where he may be?"

"Even I don't know myself. Before I could ask him, he already left. But for what I know he was pretty depressed when he came back from saxophone classes while eating dinner. I asked what happened and he said that his saxophone broke when he was heading back home and apparently someone bumped into him hard and the instrument cracked pretty badly."

"I suggested we could fix it it if he still wanted to play the saxophone if we take a small loan from the bank, but he immediately refused."

"It was his father's saxophone and the last memory of him before he joined the stars.He loved the saxophone very much and with the damage done to it he must be hurt deeply inside."

There was a small pause and Jungkook felt he should say something.

"So.. where is the saxophone now?"

"oh It's in the storeroom safely covered."

"Is it okay if I can take it and fix it?"

"I can give but fixing it would take a lot of mone-"

"oh please! I want to help him as a friend and do a favor to make him happy!"


"thank you so much!"

She went to get the saxophone and returned with a huge case. Jungkook opened it and saw the huge crack. He was guilty knowing the fact that he was the one who broke it.

"Are you sure about this? You can still reconsider.."

"No no! Its totally fine. Thanks again"

Jungkook turned towards the door to leave when he turned back and said.

"please do me a favor and not tell Taehyung about this meeting. You know I want to keep this as a surprise."

With this Taehyung's mom smiled and said "thank you for doing this. It means a lot."

Jungkook smiled. He bowed and left.

Once he left the house he heard his phone ringing. 

He picked it and heard shouting.


"No! please don't do that! I am coming now!"

Jungkook rushed into the nearby car which drove him towards the million lights that looked as if stars were falling on the ground as he went up the highway which were the lights lit in the buildings, as he heard the honking and beeping of cars. 

A huge smile came across his face as he stared at the black case before he stared at the urban scenery outside the window.


(1079 words)

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