»Redamancy -Jinlice«

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(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full


I wait patiently for my girlfriend, Lalisa Manoban. We've been in a relationship for 6 years now, today's our 6th anniversary. I wanted to make it special for her, something that she'll never forget! I want to surprise her.

I fell in love with her first and I was the one who made the first move. She's just oh so perfect, I've seen so many girls before but they're all the same... I bumped into Lisa when we were 5th year in high school. I'm older actually... I'm 18 and she's 17 back when we first met. My father once said, "Once a Kim falls in love, stays in love."

I want to hold our anniversary at a fancy restaurant. I'm already sitting at our booth, waiting for her to arrive. The table is lit up with a fancy candle as well.

When I confessed my feelings for her, she was so happy and kissed me even though I still haven't asked her to be my girlfriend. Haha, I was so happy too! Out of all the relationships, I had— being with Lisa is always the best feeling ever! Define perfect.

I want every thing to be PERFECT! I want to thank her so much! She's always the one beside me through thick and thin, and I want to apologize for not being with her when she's needs me...

I'll do every thing for her to be happy.

It's pass 6:40 and she still hasn't arrived yet. I guessed she's still at work, she's a professional photographer working under a big company full of models and idols. I work as a model actually, I'm a full package, I got them looks, height, TALENT.

'Okay enough talking about myself. Where is she??'


I'm starting to feel uneasy.. I've been waiting for a long time now! She should be here by now. What else could she be doing? Is she seeing someone else? Is she okay?? Is she still busy? Where is she???

The waiter filled a glass of wine for me and left, I took a sip if it and it tastes good. I studied the people around me, they were talking and chatting about things that I don't give a f*ck.

'Could she have left me? Where the hell is she?? Did something bad happened to her?? What could she be doing?? It's nearly 7:30 and she's still not here. I told her to be here at 6:30. Did she get troubled at work?? I'm losing my patience here— wait– no. I should wait for a little longer.... She's worth waiting for.'

I let out a sigh as I took out a small black box— yes, I'll be proposing to her. It's been 6 years and I think we should get on the next level of being in a relationship. We've completed everything, we both became successful and well known on social media, we have a house already, a job, we have enough money– everything!

The ring I'm holding worth nearly a million dollars. I saved enough money to buy this for her... I stood up from my seat and fixed the roses that I also bought for her, it got a bit ruined by the wind earlier.

I looked at the people around me again, checking if she arrived yet. I took a sip of the wine in front of me.


I looked at the person who said my name, "Lisa?" It's her! 'Wow! She looks so beautiful in red.'

I studied her figure and she's so stunningly beautiful! God really worked hard.

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