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"You don't know what happened! ... and why I became like this, I.."

In which a girl lost her positive personality and became cold towards everyone, well after she met HIM it all changed. For the good of course, right?



December 23rd 2018


Marie ran inside the building ignoring everyone's screams and their cries. The sent of fire flaming is all around her, almost stopped breathing because of it.

As Marie reached the 3rd floor through the stairs, she stopped in her tracks, took off her backpack, took out an oxygen mask and continued through the hallways.

"MOM!" Marie's voice filled  through the hallways as she was still running.

"COME ON MOM! WHERE ARE YOU?" Marie's heart started beating fast as her worry started to rise.


Marie turned around and saw Lucas running towards her, "MARIE!"


Lucas dragged Marie out of the building while her cries were heard by the people outside of the building. They gave her pity looks. And she hated it.

Marie shoved Lucas' hands off of her and turned around to go running back, but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.


"Mom?" Marie whipped her head back, when she met her teary eyes with her mom's beautiful ones, she started running towards her who was on the ground in Marie's boss' hands.

Marie slowly kneeled down while she slowly took her mom in her hands, "t-thank you" she softly thanked her boss.

Her boss was nodding at her while he stood up and sadly looked at the scene in front of him.

"Mom please w-wake up.... you said we would celebrate together... come on mom stay strong... please for me... for us... mom please" At this point Marie's tears were streaming down her cheeks non stop.

"Marie listen" Her mom, Katie, opened her eyes.
"I know that you never told what you work as but I want you to know t-that.."

As Katie closed her eyes to pause a bit, Marie started nodding repeatedly.

"I want you to know that whatever you do in life and whatever you achieve, always know that I'm proud of ... you" Katie finally closed her and fell into a deep slumber

"MOM?! MOM! MOM WAKE UP STAY STRONG" Lucas pulled Marie away from the dead body as Marie was moving every part of her body to get closer to her mom. "NO LET GO! I'LL SAVE HER STOP LET GO! NO! NO! N-Noo.."

As she felt Lucas's big hands wrapped around her small body she started sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder. "M-mom-"

"Shh" Marie kept sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder making it a bit wet, but he didn't mind.

"Hey Marie," Marie turned around as she saw her boss. "Y-Yes?"

He gave her a box that looked like a little Christmas present.

On the box it had a note, it said 'Merry Christmas loser c:'

Marie smiled sadly through her tears and opened the box. She softly gasped as her hand touched soft fur.
"Oh my gosh" Marie hugged the little kitty in her hands and she looked like her life depends on her.

"Thank you mommy" Marie whispered as she looked at the police helping to cover her mother's dead body.

December 24th 2018


I stared at the grave quietly, as people were leaving.

I stepped closer and kneeled down, I stared deeply into her picture, and admired her beauty for the last time.

"Mom.. I should've spent more time with you I-it's my fault, I know that my job is important but I could've found more time for you. I also wanted to thank you for the cat, you are one of the most sweetest people I ever knew, I hope you are happy up there, I love you both so much"

I turned on my heels and went the other direction to see Lucas staring sadly at my mother's grave.

I turned around but was still in my place, beside Lucas, I stared deeply into her mother's photo. "She was so beautiful"

"Her soul was too pure, she doesn't deserve this" Lucas added. "Come on let's go"

I nodded while taking one last look at the grave, I went side by side with Lucas to the black van.

Dahyun came beside me as she was staring at me with teary eyes. "I will miss Auntie" she hugged me. I kept patting her back.

"Me too unnie, me too"
Side note: please check the dates, so you would know if I am writing about the past or the present. Anything other from that, I hope you enjoy the story.
With love,

COLD BEAUTY | jung wooyoung Where stories live. Discover now