924 39 23

November 4th 2020


Marie walked through the hallways looking for her so called 'hardworking' partner. Marie sighed knowing that she is starting to grow impatient,


Dahyun turned around with a surprised face cuz like damn that yell was loud, so she knew something was up.

tHe sKy.

Jk jk,

It was either:

She did something wrong


Marie was growing impatient on something, and by the look of it, it looks like something urgent came up and she was impatiently waiting for someone to arrive.

Yes, Dahyun not only can locate cameras but she can read minds.

Surprised bitch right?

'Cause that just came out of nowhere.

Anyways, Marie walked towards Dahyun with an angry face,

Marie groaned and finally spoke up, "have you seen the new agent? UGH he's late >:("

"And it's his first day, can you believe it!" Marie added as she currently looked frustrated at the moment.

So Dahyun being the genius she is decided to go gentle with her or else she'll go back home with a black eye.

"Hey maybe you should-"

"MARIE!" Marie looked behind her and saw Wooyoung running as fast as he can towards her.
"I'm sorry I'm late but Jesus Christ did you see how full that bus was?"

"No one cares about how full the bus was! Do you know how late you are?!" Wooyoung looked down guiltily because he knew that this job was very important.

Marie took a deep breath and sighed before continuing her  lecture, "of course! All you could do now is act guilty! Let's see how you really work! Meet me at my office at 6:15 sharp."

And with that Marie took one last look at Wooyoung and left.

"Hey," Dahyun patted his head, "I'm sorry about my friend's behavior, she's pretty much a perfectionist and she just can't stand new people" Wooyoung could only nod at her words. "Y'know she was a really active person at the past but something happened and it changed her," Dahyun sighed.

"But that's not for me to tell you, if she gains your trust she might explain her past." Dahyun looked at Marie's walking figure, and decided she would finally leave, of course after she waved goodbye to her new friend c:


"U-uh hi..." I sat down at the fancy couch that was inside her office, she looked at me from her laptop with her sharp cold eyes, and sighed "look I'm sorry for this morning but I was in a bad mood, but the most important part is that you actually came on time now."

I sat there looking at her surprised realizing what just happened,

How could she say such nice words with those cold, sharp yet beautiful eyes staring deeply into my eyes.

I realized that I've been staring too long so I had to answer, "I uh yeah uhmm it's ok don't worry about it"

"Ok so basically we have to attack this factory that secretly sells drugs, and they created this new drug that could end the whole human race, and the plan is to destroy it before they make duplicates of it and throw the workers in jail."

I nodded as a note that I got the information.

"Today, 4:30pm, outside the building I want you to come with all your gadgets and weapons, got it?"

"Yup I'll see you soon Mrs. Marie" I nodded while smiling.

She held out her hand and I shook it, "I hope we will make good teamwork"

"For the best!" I raised my hand high.

"For the best!" She copied my actions expect with the part that she wasn't actually smiling.

I waved goodbye and got out of her office, 'I have a feeling today will be an exciting day' I smiled at my thoughts for a second before walking towards the my office.

and I actually had time to update so I was like why the fuck not c:
And with that I updated :"))
B Y E.

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