Chapter 12: A Peaceful time

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As Riku and the others went inside to Riku and Tenn's room, Gaku and Ryuu were thinking to themselves about Riku's ears and tails and how before Tenn had ears and tails.

"Tenn-nii I'm back and I also got new people here!" Riku greeted as he slides the door open with the others behind him. Tenn, Mitsuki and Tsumugi turned towards Riku, Yamato was trying to calm Tamaki down as he misses and wanted more pudding whiles Momo and Yuki were sitting besides Yamato and Tamaki laughing in amusement.

"Ah, Riku welcome back and who is the new people-" Tenn stop as he saw Gaku, Ryuu, Nagi, Sogo and Iori coming in last. "Riku why are there four new people here?!" Tenn questioned as he stood up and looked up and down at them.

"Well, long story short Nagi and Sogo wanted to visit us and then Gaku and Ryuu seen them and followed them because they thought they were doing something. Aren't they so considerate?" Riku smiled with a small awkward giggle, he knew that he was going to get shouted at by Tenn and was scared for that but still smiled to look innocent.

Tenn sighed, he couldn't shout at Riku it wasn't his fault. "Sogo, Nagi, I thought I could trust you two about not letting anyone know but never mind. At least it was just Gaku and Ryuu who've seen you, I hope it wasn't anyone else and you four both have to be more careful next time"

Sogo and Nagi both apologized multiple times and promised that they'll never let this happen again whiles Ryuu and Gaku was now even more confuse on Riku and Tenn that they lived live here in the middle of the forest and having ears and tails, they thought it might just some props but they could see the tails and ears moving and twitching on it's own.

"Let me just make a quick introduction so everyone won't be strangers anymore and can't aruge and be friends! We have Yaotome Gaku, Tsunashi Ryunosuke, Osaka Sogo, Rokuya Nagi, Izumi Iori, Izumi Mitsuki, Nikaido Yamato, Yotsuba Tamaki, Momo and Yuki. And of course my brother Kujo Tenn-nii" As Riku was telling the names he pointed out which name goes with who making it more easier for people knowing which names goes with who.

Gaku and Ryuu both examined the whole room and see many different faces except for when they saw Momo and Yuki. "Is that Momotaro and Yuki warashi!?" Gaku exclaimed. Momo and Yuki turned around from where they were look at Tamaki and Yamato. Gaku Wasn't really paying attention about the names and didn't knew that Momo and Yuki are the actual hero's of Japan.

"It is them!" Ryuu added as he also looked at them more clearer.

When Ryuu and Gaku pointed Nagi, Sogo and Iori were also surprised upon seeing the hero that was in fictional books. They were all humans so it was only natural that they knew since it's been in many fictional books and rumors around towns and villages, they thought that Momotaro and Yuki warashi might of died just like the old crew that Momotaro used to be with until they died in one of the volume of the series.

"Momo-kun it looks like we're celebrity!" Yuki chuckled.

"Hi there! I know you know me as that name same with Yuki but please just call us Momo and Yuki" Momo smiled and but his thumbs up winking.

Gaku peered over the room again and noticed that Tsumugi was there who was quietly looking over at him whiles Riku was getting lecture by Tenn and Mitsuki calming him down. He never notice she was there as he was more focused on the unusual things that were going on, "Tsumugi!" Gaku exclaimed as he walked faster towards Tsumugi soon being closer to her.

"Ah, Gaku-san" Tsumugi greeted as she bowed. "Since you're here I can give you your jacket back" she stood up and quickly walked to her room, when she came back she had the jacket with her that was dry and neat. "Thank you for lending me your jacket, it helped a lot" Tsumugi then handed him his jacket with a gentle smile.

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